Newtonian repulsion and radial confinement: convergence towards steady state

Abstract in English

We investigate the large time behavior of multi-dimensional aggregation equations driven by Newtonian repulsion, and balanced by radial attraction and confinement. In case of Newton repulsion with radial confinement we quantify the algebraic convergence decay rate towards the unique steady state. To this end, we identify a one-parameter family of radial steady states, and prove dimension-dependent decay rate in energy and 2-Wassertein distance, using a comparison with properly selected radial steady states. We also study Newtonian repulsion and radial attraction. When the attraction potential is quadratic it is known to coincide with quadratic confinement. Here we study the case of perturbed radial quadratic attraction, proving that it still leads to one-parameter family of unique steady states. It is expected that this family to serve for a corresponding comparison argument which yields algebraic convergence towards steady repulsive-attractive solutions.
