Entanglement and weak interaction driven mobility of small molecules in polymer networks

Abstract in English

Diffusive transport of small molecules within the internal structures of biological and synthetic material systems is complex because the crowded environment presents chemical and physical barriers to mobility. We explored this mobility using a synthetic experimental system of small dye molecules diffusing within a polymer network at short time scales. We find that the diffusion of inert molecules is inhibited by the presence of the polymers. Counter-intuitively, small, hydrophobic molecules display smaller reduction in mobility and also able to diffuse faster through the system by leveraging crowding specific parameters. We explained this phenomenon by developing a de novo model and using these results, we hypothesized that non-specific hydrophobic interactions between the molecules and polymer chains could localize the molecules into compartments of overlapped and entangled chains where they experience microviscosity, rather than macroviscosity. We introduced a characteristic interaction time parameter to quantitatively explain experimental results in the light of frictional effects and molecular interactions. Our model is in good agreement with the experimental results and allowed us to classify molecules into two different mobility categories solely based on interaction. By changing the surface group, polymer molecular weight, and by adding salt to the medium, we could further modulate the mobility and mean square displacements of interacting molecules. Our work has implications in understanding intracellular diffusive transport in microtubule networks and other systems with macromolecular crowding and could lead to transport enhancement in synthetic polymer systems.
