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A fresh look at the RR Lyrae population in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy with Gaia

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 Added by Tatiana Muraveva
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a catalogue of 285 RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph), obtained by combining data from a number of different surveys including the second data release (DR2) of the European Space Agency (ESA) cornerstone mission Gaia. We have determined individual distances to the RRLs in our sample using for the first time a Gaia G-band luminosity-metallicity relation (MG - [Fe/H]) and study the structure of the Draco dSph as traced by its RRL population. We find that the RRLs located in the western/south-western region of Draco appear to be closer to us, which may be a clue of interaction between Draco and the Milky Way (MW). The average distance modulus of Draco measured with the RRLs is 19.53 +/- 0.07 mag, corresponding to a distance of 80.5 +/- 2.6 kpc, in good agreement with previous determinations in the literature. Based on the pulsation properties of the RRLs we confirm the Oosterhoff-intermediate nature of Draco. We present an additional sample of 41 candidate RRLs in Draco, which we selected from the Gaia DR2 catalogue based on the uncertainty of their G-band magnitudes. Additional epoch data that will become available in the Gaia third data release (DR3) will help to confirm whether these candidates are bona-fide Draco RRLs.

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We present a new distance estimation for the Milky Way dwarf spheroidal satellite Sculptor obtained from multi-epoch mid-infrared observations of RR Lyrae stars. The 3.6 {mu}m observations have been acquired with the Infrared Array Camera on board the Spitzer Space Telescope as part of the SMHASH Program. Mid-infrared light curves for 42 RRL were obtained, from which we measured Sculptors distance modulus to be {mu} = 19.60 $pm$ 0.02 (statistical) $pm$ 0.04 (photometric) mag (with $sigma_{sys}=$ = 0.09 mag), using the 3.6 {mu}m empirical period-luminosity relations derived from the Galactic globular cluster M4, or {mu} = 19.57 $pm$ 0.02 (statistical) $pm$ 0.04 (photometric) mag (with $sigma_{sys}=$ = 0.11 mag) using empirical relations in the same passband recently derived from the Large Magellanic Cloud globular cluster Reticulum. Both these measurements are in good agreement with values presented in previous works with Sculptor RR Lyrae stars in optical bands, and are also consistent with recent near-infrared RR Lyrae results. Best agreement with the literature is found for the latter modulus which is equivalent to a distance of d = 82 $pm$ 1 (statistical) $pm$ 2 (photometric) kpc (with $sigma_{sys}=$ = 4 kpc). Finally, using a subsample of RR Lyrae stars with spectroscopic metallicities, we demonstrate that these distance estimates are not affected by metallicity effects.
We present the spectral analysis of an 87~ks emph{XMM-Newton} observation of Draco, a nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Of the approximately 35 robust X-ray source detections, we focus our attention on the brightest of these sources, for which we report X-ray and multiwavelength parameters. While most of the sources exhibit properties consistent with AGN, few of them possess characteristics of LMXBs and CVs. Our analysis puts constraints on population of X-ray sources with $L_X>3times10^{33}$~erg~s$^{-1}$ in Draco suggesting that there are no actively accreting BH and NS binaries. However, we find 4 sources that could be LMXBs/CVs in quiescent state associated with Draco. We also place constraints on the central black hole luminosity and on a dark matter decay signal around 3.5~keV.
Aims. We present the first three-dimensional internal motions for individual stars in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Methods. By combining first-epoch $Hubble$ $Space$ $Telescope$ observations and second-epoch $Gaia$ Data Release 2 positions, we measured the proper motions of $149$ sources in the direction of Draco. We determined the line-of-sight velocities for a sub-sample of $81$ red giant branch stars using medium resolution spectra acquired with the DEIMOS spectrograph at the Keck II telescope. Altogether, this resulted in a final sample of $45$ Draco members with high-precision and accurate 3D motions, which we present as a table in this paper. Results. Based on this high-quality dataset, we determined the velocity dispersions at a projected distance of $sim120$ pc from the centre of Draco to be $sigma_{R} =11.0^{+2.1}_{-1.5}$ km/s, $sigma_{T}=9.9^{+2.3}_{-3.1}$ km/s and $sigma_{LOS}=9.0^{+1.1}_{-1.1}$ km/s in the projected radial, tangential, and line-of-sight directions. This results in a velocity anisotropy $beta=0.25^{+0.47}_{-1.38}$ at $r gtrsim120$ pc. Tighter constraints may be obtained using the spherical Jeans equations and assuming constant anisotropy and Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) mass profiles, also based on the assumption that the 3D velocity dispersion should be lower than $approx 1/3$ of the escape velocity of the system. In this case, we constrain the maximum circular velocity $V_{max}$ of Draco to be in the range of $10.2-17.0$ km/s. The corresponding mass range is in good agreement with previous estimates based on line-of-sight velocities only. Conclusions. Our Jeans modelling supports the case for a cuspy dark matter profile in this galaxy. Firmer conclusions may be drawn by applying more sophisticated models to this dataset and with new datasets from upcoming $Gaia$ releases.
We report the detection of three RR Lyrae (RRL) stars (two RRc and one RRab) in the ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) galaxy Centaurus I (CenI) and two Milky Way (MW) $delta$ Scuti/SX Phoenicis stars based on multi-epoch $giz$ DECam observations. The two RRc stars are located within 2 times the half-light radius (r$_h$) of Cen I, while the RRab star (CenI-V3) is at $sim6$ r$_h$. The presence of three distant RRL stars clustered this tightly in space represents a 4.7$sigma$ excess relative to the smooth distribution of RRL in the Galactic halo. Using the newly detected RRL stars, we obtain a distance modulus to Cen I of $mu_0 = 20.354 pm 0.002$ mag ($sigma=0.03$ mag), a heliocentric distance of D$_odot = 117.7 pm 0.1$ kpc ($sigma=1.6$ kpc), with systematic errors of $0.07$ mag and $4$ kpc. The location of the Cen I RRL stars in the Bailey diagram is in agreement with other UFD galaxies (mainly Oosterhoff II). Finally, we study the relative rate of RRc+RRd (RRcd) stars ($f_{cd}$) in UFD and classical dwarf galaxies. The full sample of MW dwarf galaxies gives a mean of $f_{cd} = 0.28$. While several UFD galaxies, such as Cen I, present higher RRcd ratios, if we combine the RRL populations of all UFD galaxies, the RRcd ratio is similar to the one obtained for the classical dwarfs ($f_{cd}$ $sim$ 0.3). Therefore, there is no evidence for a different fraction of RRcd stars in UFD and classical dwarf galaxies.
91 - Slawomir Piatek 2002
This article studies the structure of the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy with an emphasis on the question of whether the spatial distribution of its stars has been affected by the tidal interaction with the Milky Way, using R- and V-band CCD photometry for eleven fields. The article reports coordinates for the center, a position angle of the major axis, and the ellipticity. It also reports the results of searches for asymmetries in the structure of Draco. These results, and searches for a ``break in the radial profile and for the presence of principal sequences of Draco in a color-magnitude diagram for regions more than 50 arcmin from the center, yield no evidence that tidal forces from the Milky Way have affected the structure of Draco.
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