Portfolio Optimization on Multivariate Regime Switching GARCH Model with Normal Tempered Stable Innovation

Abstract in English

We propose a Markov regime switching GARCH model with multivariate normal tempered stable innovation to accommodate fat tails and other stylized facts in returns of financial assets. The model is used to simulate sample paths as input for portfolio optimization with risk measures, namely, conditional value at risk and conditional drawdown. The motivation is to have a portfolio that avoids left tail events by combining models that incorporates fat tail with optimization that focuses on tail risk. In-sample test is conducted to demonstrate goodness of fit. Out-of-sample test shows that our approach yields higher performance measured by Sharpe-like ratios than the market and equally weighted portfolio in recent years which includes some of the most volatile periods in history. We also find that suboptimal portfolios with higher return constraints tend to outperform optimal portfolios.
