Local Equilibrium Spin Distribution From Detailed Balance

Abstract in English

As the core ingredient for spin polarization, the local equilibrium spin distribution function is derived from the detailed balance principle. The kinetic theory for interacting fermionic systems is applied to the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at quark level. Under the semi-classical expansion with respect to $hbar$ and non-perturbative expansion with respect to $N_c$, the kinetic equations for the vector and axial-vector distribution functions are derived with collision terms. It is found that, for an initially unpolarized system, non-zero spin polarization can be generated at the order of $hbar$ from the coupling between the vector and axial-vector charges. The local equilibrium spin polarization is derived from the requirement of detailed balance. It arises from the thermal vorticity and is orthogonal to the particle momentum.
