Dynamical Modeling of CXOGBS J175553.2-281633: A 10 Hour Long Orbital Period Cataclysmic Variable

Abstract in English

We present modeling of the long-term optical light curve and radial velocity curve of the binary stellar system CXOGBS J175553.2-281633, first detected in X-rays in the textit{Chandra} Galactic Bulge Survey. We analyzed 7 years of optical I-band photometry from OGLE and found long-term variations from year to year. These long-term variations can most likely be explained with by either variations in the luminosity of the accretion disk or a spotted secondary star. The phased light curve has a sinusoidal shape, which we interpret as being due to ellipsoidal modulations. We improve the orbital period to be $P = 10.34488 pm 0.00006$ h with a time of inferior conjunction of the secondary star $T_0 = {rm HJD } 2455260.8204 pm 0.0008$. Moreover, we collected 37 spectra over 6 non-consecutive nights. The spectra show evidence for an evolved K7 secondary donor star, from which we obtain a semi-amplitude for the radial velocity curve of $K_2 = 161 pm 6 $ km s$^{-1}$. Using the light curve synthesis code {tt XRbinary}, we derive the most likely orbital inclination for the binary of $i = 63.0pm0.7$ deg, a primary mass of $M_1 = 0.83 pm 0.06$ M$_odot$, consistent with a white dwarf accretor, and a secondary donor mass of $M_2 = 0.65 pm 0.07$ M$_odot$, consistent with the spectral classification. Therefore, we identify the source as a long orbital period cataclysmic variable star.
