Magnetic Gradient Fluctuations from Quadrupolar $^{73}$Ge in Si/SiGe Exchange-Only Qubits

Abstract in English

We study the time-fluctuating magnetic gradient noise mechanisms in pairs of Si/SiGe quantum dots using exchange echo noise spectroscopy. We find through a combination of spectral inversion and correspondence to theoretical modeling that quadrupolar precession of the $^{73}$Ge nuclei play a key role in the spin-echo decay time $T_2$, with a characteristic dependence on magnetic field and the width of the Si quantum well. The $^{73}$Ge noise peaks appear at the fundamental and first harmonic of the $^{73}$Ge Larmor resonance, superimposed over $1/f$ noise due to $^{29}$Si dipole-dipole dynamics, and are dependent on material epitaxy and applied magnetic field. These results may inform the needs of dynamical decoupling when using Si/SiGe quantum dots as qubits in quantum information processing devices.
