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Question Directed Graph Attention Network for Numerical Reasoning over Text

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 Added by Xingyi Cheng
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Numerical reasoning over texts, such as addition, subtraction, sorting and counting, is a challenging machine reading comprehension task, since it requires both natural language understanding and arithmetic computation. To address this challenge, we propose a heterogeneous graph representation for the context of the passage and question needed for such reasoning, and design a question directed graph attention network to drive multi-step numerical reasoning over this context graph.

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564 - Luoqiu Li , Zhen Bi , Hongbin Ye 2021
Recent years have witnessed the prosperity of legal artificial intelligence with the development of technologies. In this paper, we propose a novel legal application of legal provision prediction (LPP), which aims to predict the related legal provisions of affairs. We formulate this task as a challenging knowledge graph completion problem, which requires not only text understanding but also graph reasoning. To this end, we propose a novel text-guided graph reasoning approach. We collect amounts of real-world legal provision data from the Guangdong government service website and construct a legal dataset called LegalLPP. Extensive experimental results on the dataset show that our approach achieves better performance compared with baselines. The code and dataset are available in url{} for reproducibility.
In the question answering(QA) task, multi-hop reasoning framework has been extensively studied in recent years to perform more efficient and interpretable answer reasoning on the Knowledge Graph(KG). However, multi-hop reasoning is inapplicable for answering n-ary fact questions due to its linear reasoning nature. We discover that there are two feasible improvements: 1) upgrade the basic reasoning unit from entity or relation to fact; and 2) upgrade the reasoning structure from chain to tree. Based on these, we propose a novel fact-tree reasoning framework, through transforming the question into a fact tree and performing iterative fact reasoning on it to predict the correct answer. Through a comprehensive evaluation on the n-ary fact KGQA dataset introduced by this work, we demonstrate that the proposed fact-tree reasoning framework has the desired advantage of high answer prediction accuracy. In addition, we also evaluate the fact-tree reasoning framework on two binary KGQA datasets and show that our approach also has a strong reasoning ability compared with several excellent baselines. This work has direct implications for exploring complex reasoning scenarios and provides a preliminary baseline approach.
106 - Ming Tu , Jing Huang , Xiaodong He 2020
Recently Graph Neural Network (GNN) has been applied successfully to various NLP tasks that require reasoning, such as multi-hop machine reading comprehension. In this paper, we consider a novel case where reasoning is needed over graphs built from sequences, i.e. graph nodes with sequence data. Existing GNN models fulfill this goal by first summarizing the node sequences into fixed-dimensional vectors, then applying GNN on these vectors. To avoid information loss inherent in the early summarization and make sequential labeling tasks on GNN output feasible, we propose a new type of GNN called Graph Sequential Network (GSN), which features a new message passing algorithm based on co-attention between a node and each of its neighbors. We validate the proposed GSN on two NLP tasks: interpretable multi-hop reading comprehension on HotpotQA and graph based fact verification on FEVER. Both tasks require reasoning over multiple documents or sentences. Our experimental results show that the proposed GSN attains better performance than the standard GNN based methods.
Recently, studies of visual question answering have explored various architectures of end-to-end networks and achieved promising results on both natural and synthetic datasets, which require explicitly compositional reasoning. However, it has been argued that these black-box approaches lack interpretability of results, and thus cannot perform well on generalization tasks due to overfitting the dataset bias. In this work, we aim to combine the benefits of both sides and overcome their limitations to achieve an end-to-end interpretable structural reasoning for general images without the requirement of layout annotations. Inspired by the property of a capsule network that can carve a tree structure inside a regular convolutional neural network (CNN), we propose a hierarchical compositional reasoning model called the Linguistically driven Graph Capsule Network, where the compositional process is guided by the linguistic parse tree. Specifically, we bind each capsule in the lowest layer to bridge the linguistic embedding of a single word in the original question with visual evidence and then route them to the same capsule if they are siblings in the parse tree. This compositional process is achieved by performing inference on a linguistically driven conditional random field (CRF) and is performed across multiple graph capsule layers, which results in a compositional reasoning process inside a CNN. Experiments on the CLEVR dataset, CLEVR compositional generation test, and FigureQA dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and composition generalization ability of our end-to-end model.
Automatic math problem solving has recently attracted increasing attention as a long-standing AI benchmark. In this paper, we focus on solving geometric problems, which requires a comprehensive understanding of textual descriptions, visual diagrams, and theorem knowledge. However, the existing methods were highly dependent on handcraft rules and were merely evaluated on small-scale datasets. Therefore, we propose a Geometric Question Answering dataset GeoQA, containing 5,010 geometric problems with corresponding annotated programs, which illustrate the solving process of the given problems. Compared with another publicly available dataset GeoS, GeoQA is 25 times larger, in which the program annotations can provide a practical testbed for future research on explicit and explainable numerical reasoning. Moreover, we introduce a Neural Geometric Solver (NGS) to address geometric problems by comprehensively parsing multimodal information and generating interpretable programs. We further add multiple self-supervised auxiliary tasks on NGS to enhance cross-modal semantic representation. Extensive experiments on GeoQA validate the effectiveness of our proposed NGS and auxiliary tasks. However, the results are still significantly lower than human performance, which leaves large room for future research. Our benchmark and code are released at .

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