Switching Transferable Gradient Directions for Query-Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attacks

Abstract in English

We propose a simple and highly query-efficient black-box adversarial attack named SWITCH, which has a state-of-the-art performance in the score-based setting. SWITCH features a highly efficient and effective utilization of the gradient of a surrogate model $hat{mathbf{g}}$ w.r.t. the input image, i.e., the transferable gradient. In each iteration, SWITCH first tries to update the current sample along the direction of $hat{mathbf{g}}$, but considers switching to its opposite direction $-hat{mathbf{g}}$ if our algorithm detects that it does not increase the value of the attack objective function. We justify the choice of switching to the opposite direction by a local approximate linearity assumption. In SWITCH, only one or two queries are needed per iteration, but it is still effective due to the rich information provided by the transferable gradient, thereby resulting in unprecedented query efficiency. To improve the robustness of SWITCH, we further propose SWITCH$_text{RGF}$ in which the update follows the direction of a random gradient-free (RGF) estimate when neither $hat{mathbf{g}}$ nor its opposite direction can increase the objective, while maintaining the advantage of SWITCH in terms of query efficiency. Experimental results conducted on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and TinyImageNet show that compared with other methods, SWITCH achieves a satisfactory attack success rate using much fewer queries, and SWITCH$_text{RGF}$ achieves the state-of-the-art attack success rate with fewer queries overall. Our approach can serve as a strong baseline for future black-box attacks because of its simplicity. The PyTorch source code is released on https://github.com/machanic/SWITCH.
