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A Systematic Study of Lattice-based NIST PQC Algorithms: from Reference Implementations to Hardware Accelerators

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 Added by Zain Ul Abideen
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Security of currently deployed public key cryptography algorithms is foreseen to be vulnerable against quantum computer attacks. Hence, a community effort exists to develop post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms, i.e., algorithms that are resistant to quantum attacks. In this work, we have investigated how lattice-based candidate algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization competition fare when conceived as hardware accelerators. To achieve this, we have assessed the reference implementations of selected algorithms with the goal of identifying what are their basic building blocks. We assume the hardware accelerators will be implemented in application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and the targeted technology in our experiments is a commercial 65nm node. In order to estimate the characteristics of each algorithm, we have assessed their memory requirements, use of multipliers, and how each algorithm employs hashing functions. Furthermore, for these building blocks, we have collected area and power figures for 12 candidate algorithms. For memories, we make use of a commercial memory compiler. For logic, we make use of a standard cell library. In order to compare the candidate algorithms fairly, we select a reference frequency of operation of 500MHz. Our results reveal that our area and power numbers are comparable to the state of the art, despite targeting a higher frequency of operation and a higher security level in our experiments. The comprehensive investigation of lattice-based NIST PQC algorithms performed in this paper can be used for guiding ASIC designers when selecting an appropriate algorithm while respecting requirements and design constraints.

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Neural architectures and hardware accelerators have been two driving forces for the progress in deep learning. Previous works typically attempt to optimize hardware given a fixed model architecture or model architecture given fixed hardware. And the dominant hardware architecture explored in this prior work is FPGAs. In our work, we target the optimization of hardware and software configurations on an industry-standard edge accelerator. We systematically study the importance and strategies of co-designing neural architectures and hardware accelerators. We make three observations: 1) the software search space has to be customized to fully leverage the targeted hardware architecture, 2) the search for the model architecture and hardware architecture should be done jointly to achieve the best of both worlds, and 3) different use cases lead to very different search outcomes. Our experiments show that the joint search method consistently outperforms previous platform-aware neural architecture search, manually crafted models, and the state-of-the-art EfficientNet on all latency targets by around 1% on ImageNet top-1 accuracy. Our method can reduce energy consumption of an edge accelerator by up to 2x under the same accuracy constraint, when co-adapting the model architecture and hardware accelerator configurations.
We present a methodology for creating information flow specifications of hardware designs. Such specifications can help designers better understand their design and are necessary for security validation processes. By combining information flow tracking and specification mining, we are able to produce information flow properties of a design without prior knowledge of security agreements or specifications. We develop a tool, Isadora, to evaluate our methodology. We demonstrate Isadora may define the information flows within an access control module in isolation and within an SoC and over a RISC-V design. Over the access control module, Isadora mined output completely covers an assertion based security specification of the design provided by the designers. For both the access control module and RISC-V, we sample Isadora output properties and find 10 out of 10 and 8 out of 10 properties, respectively, define the design behavior to relevant to a Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE). We find our methodology may independently mine security properties manually developed by hardware designers, automatically generate properties describing CWEs over a design, and scale to SoC and CPU designs.
78 - Calvin Deutschbein 2021
Specification mining offers a solution by automating security specification for hardware. Specification miners use a form of machine learning to specify behaviors of a system by studying a system in execution. However, specification mining was first developed for use with software. Complex hardware designs offer unique challenges for this technique. Further, specification miners traditionally capture functional specifications without a notion of security, and may not use the specification logics necessary to describe some security requirements. This work demonstrates specification mining for hardware security. On CISC architectures such as x86, I demonstrate that a miner partitioning the design state space along control signals discovers a specification that includes manually defined properties and, if followed, would secure CPU designs against Memory Sinkhole and SYSRET privilege escalation. For temporal properties, I demonstrate that a miner using security specific linear temporal logic (LTL) templates for specification detection may find properties that, if followed, would secure designs against historical documented security vulnerabilities and against potential future attacks targeting system initialization. For information--flow hyperproperties, I demonstrate that a miner may use Information Flow Tracking (IFT) to develop output properties containing designer specified information--flow security properties as well as properties that demonstrate a design does not contain certain Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs).
GPUs are increasingly being used in security applications, especially for accelerating encryption/decryption. While GPUs are an attractive platform in terms of performance, the security of these devices raises a number of concerns. One vulnerability is the data-dependent timing information, which can be exploited by adversary to recover the encryption key. Memory system features are frequently exploited since they create detectable timing variations. In this paper, our attack model is a coalescing attack, which leverages a critical GPU microarchitectural feature -- the coalescing unit. As multiple concurrent GPU memory requests can refer to the same cache block, the coalescing unit collapses them into a single memory transaction. The access time of an encryption kernel is dependent on the number of transactions. Correlation between a guessed key value and the associated timing samples can be exploited to recover the secret key. In this paper, a series of hardware/software countermeasures are proposed to obfuscate the memory timing side channel, making the GPU more resilient without impacting performance. Our hardware-based approach attempts to randomize the width of the coalescing unit to lower the signal-to-noise ratio. We present a hierarchical Miss Status Holding Register (MSHR) design that can merge transactions across different warps. This feature boosts performance, while, at the same time, secures the execution. We also present a software-based approach to permute the organization of critical data structures, significantly changing the coalescing behavior and introducing a high degree of randomness. Equipped with our new protections, the effort to launch a successful attack is increased up to 1433X . 178X, while also improving encryption/decryption performance up to 7%.
The widening availability of hardware-based trusted execution environments (TEEs) has been accelerating the adaptation of new applications using TEEs. Recent studies showed that a cloud application consists of multiple distributed software modules provided by mutually distrustful parties. The applications use multiple TEEs (enclaves) communicating through software-encrypted memory channels. Such execution model requires bi-directional protection: protecting the rest of the system from the enclave module with sandboxing and protecting the enclave module from a third-part module and operating systems. However, the current TEE model, such as Intel SGX, cannot efficiently represent such distributed sandbox applications. To overcome the lack of hardware supports for sandboxed TEEs, this paper proposes an extended enclave model called Stockade, which supports distributed sandboxes hardened by hardware. Stockade proposes new three key techniques. First, it extends the hardware-based memory isolation in SGX to confine a user software module only within its enclave. Second, it proposes a trusted monitor enclave that filters and validates systems calls from enclaves. Finally, it allows hardware-protected memory sharing between a pair of enclaves for efficient protected communication without software-based encryption. Using an emulated SGX platform with the proposed extensions, this paper shows that distributed sandbox applications can be effectively supported with small changes of SGX hardware.
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