Simulating gas kinematic studies of high-redshift galaxies with the HARMONI Integral Field Spectrograph

Abstract in English

We present simulated observations of gas kinematics in galaxies formed in 10 pc resolution cosmological simulations with the hydrodynamical + N-body code RAMSES, using the new RAMSES2HSIM pipeline with the simulated observing pipeline (HSIM) for the ELT HARMONI IFU spectrograph. We post-process the galaxys gas kinematics and H{alpha} line emission for each simulation cell, and integrate the emission to produce an extinction-corrected input cube. We then simulate observations of the input cube with HARMONI, for a range of exposure times, spatial sampling, and spectral resolution. We analyze the mock observations to recover galaxy properties such as its kinematics and compare with the known simulation values. We investigate the cause of biases between the real and observed kinematic values, demonstrating the sensitivity of the inferred rotation curve to knowledge of the instruments point spread function.
