We measure spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in a unique model system of all-epitaxial ferrite/Pt bilayers to gain insights into charge-spin interconversion in Pt. With negligible electronic conduction in the insulating ferrite, the crystalline Pt film acts as the sole source of charge-to-spin conversion. A small field-like SOT independent of Pt thickness suggests a weak Rashba-Edelstein effect at the ferrite/Pt interface. By contrast, we observe a sizable damping-like SOT that depends on the Pt thickness, from which we deduce the dominance of an extrinsic spin-Hall effect (skew scattering) and Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation in the crystalline Pt film. Furthermore, our results point to a large internal spin-Hall ratio of $approx$0.8 in epitaxial Pt. Our experimental work takes an essential step towards understanding the mechanisms of charge-spin interconversion and SOTs in Pt-based heterostructures, which are crucial for power-efficient spintronic devices.