Information-Theoretic Memory Scaling in the Many-Body Localization Transition

Abstract in English

A key feature of the many-body localized phase is the breaking of ergodicity and consequently the emergence of local memory; revealed as the local preservation of information over time. As memory is necessarily a time dependent concept, it has been partially captured by a few extant studies of dynamical quantities. However, these quantities are neither optimal, nor democratic with respect to input state; and as such a fundamental and complete information theoretic understanding of local memory in the context of many-body localization remains elusive. We introduce the dynamical Holevo quantity as the true quantifier of local memory, outlining its advantages over other quantities such as the imbalance or entanglement entropy. We find clear scaling behavior in its steady-state across the many-body localization transition, and determine a family of two-parameter scaling ansatze which captures this behavior. We perform a comprehensive finite size scaling analysis of this dynamical quantity extracting the transition point and scaling exponents.
