Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and mod p cohomology for GL2

Abstract in English

Let $p$ be a prime number, $F$ a totally real number field unramified at places above $p$ and $D$ a quaternion algebra of center $F$ split at places above $p$ and at no more than one infinite place. Let $v$ be a fixed place of $F$ above $p$ and $overline{r} : {rm Gal}(overline F/F)rightarrow mathrm{GL}_2(overline{mathbb{F}}_p)$ an irreducible modular continuous Galois representation which, at the place $v$, is semisimple and sufficiently generic (and satisfies some weak genericity conditions at a few other finite places). We prove that many of the admissible smooth representations of $mathrm{GL}_2(F_v)$ over $overline{mathbb{F}}_p$ associated to $overline{r}$ in the corresponding Hecke-eigenspaces of the mod $p$ cohomology have Gelfand--Kirillov dimension $[F_v:mathbb{Q}]$, as well as several related results.
