The Wide-field Photometric System of the Nanshan One-meter Telescope

Abstract in English

The Nanshan One-meter Wide-field Telescope (NOWT) is a prime focus system located at Nanshan Station of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatories (XAO). The field of view(FOV) was designed to 1.5 degree *1.5 degree, and Johnson-Cousins UBVRI system was chosen as the main Filter set. The telescope has been providing observation services for astronomers since Sept. 2013. Variable source searching and time-domain surveys are the main scientific goals. The systems test results are reported including linearity, dark current, bias, readout noise and gain of the CCD camera. The accurate instrumental calibration coefficients in UBVRI bands was driven with Landolt standard stars during photometric nights. Finally, the limiting magnitudes are given with signal-to-noise ratios and various exposure times for observers.
