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Analytic Structure of all Loop Banana Amplitudes

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 Added by Christoph Nega
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Using the Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsku{i} system for the primitive cohomology of an infinite series of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds, whose dimension is the loop order minus one, we completely clarify the analytic structure of all banana amplitudes with arbitrary masses. In particular, we find that the leading logarithmic structure in the high energy regime, which corresponds to the point of maximal unipotent monodromy, is determined by a novel $widehat Gamma$-class evaluation in the ambient spaces of the mirror, while the imaginary part of the amplitude in this regime is determined by the $widehat Gamma$-class of the mirror Calabi-Yau manifold itself. We provide simple closed all loop formulas for the former as well as for the Frobenius $kappa$-constants, which determine the behaviour of the amplitudes, when the momentum square equals the sum of the masses squared, in terms of zeta values. We extend our previous work from three to four loops by providing for the latter case a complete set of (inhomogenous) Picard-Fuchs differential equations for arbitrary masses. This allows to evaluate the amplitude as well as other master integrals with raised powers of the propagators in very short time to very high numerical precision for all values of the physical parameters. Using a recent $p$-adic analysis of the periods we determine the value of the maximal cut equal mass four-loop amplitude at the attractor points in terms of periods of modular weight two and four Hecke eigenforms and the quasiperiods of their meromorphic cousins.

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In type II superstring theory, the vacuum amplitude at a given loop order $g$ can receive contributions from the boundary of the compactified, genus $g$ supermoduli space of curves $overline{mathfrak M}_g$. These contributions capture the long distance or infrared behaviour of the amplitude. The boundary parametrises degenerations of genus $g$ super Riemann surfaces. A holomorphic projection of the supermoduli space onto its reduced space would then provide a way to integrate the holomorphic, superstring measure and thereby give the superstring vacuum amplitude at $g$-loop order. However, such a projection does not generally exist over the bulk of the supermoduli spaces in higher genera. Nevertheless, certain boundary divisors in $partialoverline{mathfrak M}_g$ may holomorphically map onto a bosonic space upon composition with universal morphisms, thereby enabling an integration of the holomorphic, superstring measure here. Making use of ansatz factorisations of the superstring measure near the boundary, our analysis shows that the boundary contributions to the three loop vacuum amplitude will vanish in closed oriented type II superstring theory with unbroken spacetime supersymmetry.
All four-point mixed gluon-graviton amplitudes in pure Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with at most one state of negative helicity are computed at one-loop order and maximal powers of the gauge coupling using D-dimensional generalized unitarity. The resulting purely rational expressions take very compact forms. We comment on the color-kinematics duality picture and a relation to collinear limits of pure gluon amplitudes.
We present fully analytic results for all master integrals for the three-loop banana graph with four equal and non-zero masses. The results are remarkably simple and all integrals are expressed as linear combinations of iterated integrals of modular forms of uniform weight for the same congruence subgroup as for the two-loop equal-mass sunrise graph. We also show how to write the results in terms of elliptic polylogarithms evaluated at rational points.
Using a careful choice of infrared (IR) subtraction scheme, we demonstrate the cancellation of all terms with transcendental weights 0,1,2 from the finite part of the full-color two-loop four-gluon $mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric QCD amplitude, with $N_f$ massless supersymmetric quarks. This generalizes the previously observed cancellation of weight-2 terms in the superconformal theory, where $N_f=2N_c$ for gauge group SU$(N_c)$. The subtraction scheme follows naturally both from general IR factorization principles and from an integrand-level analysis of divergences in this amplitude. The divergences are written in terms of scalar triangle integrals whose expressions are known to all orders in the dimensional regulator $epsilon=(4-D)/2$. We also present integrated expressions for the full-color two-loop four-point amplitudes with both matter and vectors on external legs in which lower-weight terms also cancel using an appropriate IR scheme. This provides us with values for the two-loop cusp, gluonic, and quark anomalous dimensions in $mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric QCD, which are cross-checked between the three different amplitudes.
In this paper we present the all-loop conjecture for integrands of Wilson line form factors, also known as reggeon amplitudes, in N=4 SYM. In particular we present a new gluing operation in momentum twistor space used to obtain reggeon tree-level amplitudes and loop integrands starting from corresponding expressions for on-shell amplitudes. The introduced gluing procedure is used to derive BCFW recursions both for tree-level reggeon amplitudes and their loop integrands. In addition we provide predictions for reggeon loop integrands written in the basis of local integrals. As a check of the correctness of gluing operation at loop level we derive the expression for LO BFKL kernel in N=4 SYM.
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