Anderson localization effects on doped Hubbard model

Abstract in English

We derive the disorder vs. doping phase diagram of the doped Hubbard model via Dynamical Mean Field Theory combined with Typical Medium Theory, which allows the description of both Mott (correlation driven) and Anderson (disorder driven) metal-insulator transitions. We observe a transition from a metal to an Anderson-Mott insulator for increasing disorder strength at all interactions. In the weak correlation regime and rather small doping, the Anderson-Mott insulator displays properties which are alike to the ones found at half-filling. In particular, this phase is characterized by the presence of empty sites. If we further increase either the doping or the correlation however, an Anderson-Mott phase of different kind arises for sharply weaker disorder strength. This phase occupies the largest part of the phase diagram in the strong correlation regime, and is characterized by the absence of the empty sites.
