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Resonant Self-Interacting Dark Matter from Dark QCD

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 Added by Yu-Dai Tsai
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present models of resonant self-interacting dark matter in a dark sector with QCD, based on analogies to the meson spectra in Standard Model QCD. For dark mesons made of two light quarks, we present a simple model that realizes resonant self-interaction (analogous to the $phi$-K-K system) and thermal freeze-out. We also consider asymmetric dark matter composed of heavy and light dark quarks to realize a resonant self-interaction (analogous to the $Upsilon(4S)$-B-B system) and discuss the experimental probes of both setups. Finally, we comment on the possible resonant self-interactions already built into SIMP and ELDER mechanisms while making use of lattice results to determine feasibility.

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We present a novel mechanism for Sommerfeld enhancement for dark matter interactions without the need for light mediators. Considering a model for two-component scalar dark matter with a triple coupling, we find that there appears an $u$-channel resonance in dark matter elastic scattering. From the sum of the corresponding ladder diagrams, we obtain a Bethe-Salpeter equation with a delay term and identify the Sommerfeld factor for two-component dark matter from the effective Yukawa potential for the first time. We discuss the implications of our results for enhancing dark matter self-scattering and annihilation.
90 - Debasish Borah 2021
We propose a self-interacting boosted dark matter (DM) scenario as a possible origin of the recently reported excess of electron recoil events by the XENON1T experiment. The Standard Model has been extended with two vector-like fermion singlets charged under a dark $U(1)_D$ gauge symmetry to describe the dark sector. While the presence of light vector boson mediator leads to sufficient DM self-interactions to address the small scale issues of cold dark matter, the model with GeV scale DM can explain the XENON1T excess via scattering of boosted DM component with electrons at the detector. The requirement of large annihilation rate of heavier DM into the lighter one for sufficient boosted DM flux leads to suppressed thermal relic abundance. A hybrid setup of thermal and non-thermal contribution from late decay of a scalar can lead to correct relic abundance. All these requirements leave a very tiny parameter space for sub-GeV DM keeping the model very predictive for near future experiments.
Dark matter may self-interact through a continuum of low-mass states. This happens if dark matter couples to a strongly-coupled nearly-conformal hidden sector. This type of theory is holographically described by brane-localized dark matter interacting with bulk fields in a slice of 5D anti-de Sitter space. The long-range potential in this scenario depends on a non-integer power of the spatial separation, in contrast to the Yukawa potential generated by the exchange of a single 4D mediator. The resulting self-interaction cross section scales like a non-integer power of velocity. We identify the Born, classical and resonant regimes and investigate them using state-of-the-art numerical methods. We demonstrate the viability of our continuum-mediated framework to address the astrophysical small-scale structure anomalies. Investigating the continuum-mediated Sommerfeld enhancement, we demonstrate that a pattern of resonances can occur depending on the non-integer power. We conclude that continuum mediators introduce novel power-law scalings which open new possibilities for dark matter self-interaction phenomenology.
122 - Manoranjan Dutta 2021
We propose a self-interacting inelastic dark matter (DM) scenario as a possible origin of the recently reported excess of electron recoil events by the XENON1T experiment. Two quasi-degenerate Majorana fermion DM interact within themselves via a light hidden sector massive gauge boson and with the standard model particles via gauge kinetic mixing. We also consider an additional long-lived singlet scalar which helps in realising correct dark matter relic abundance via a hybrid setup comprising of both freeze-in and freeze-out mechanisms. While being consistent with the required DM phenomenology along with sufficient self-interactions to address the small scale issues of cold dark matter, the model with GeV scale DM can explain the XENON1T excess via inelastic down scattering of heavier DM component into the lighter one. All these requirements leave a very tiny parameter space keeping the model very predictive for near future experiments.
We consider a simple class of models where dark radiation has self-interactions and therefore does not free stream. Such dark radiation has no anisotropic stress (or viscosity), leaving a distinct signature on the CMB angular power spectrum. Specifically we study a possibility that hidden gauge bosons and/or chiral fermions account for the excess of the effective number of neutrino species. They have gauge interactions and remain light due to the unbroken hidden gauge symmetry, leading to Delta N_{rm eff} simeq 0.29 in some case.
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