Deepcode and Modulo-SK are Designed for Different Settings

Abstract in English

We respond to [1] which claimed that Modulo-SK scheme outperforms Deepcode [2]. We demonstrate that this statement is not true: the two schemes are designed and evaluated for entirely different settings. DeepCode is designed and evaluated for the AWGN channel with (potentially delayed) uncoded output feedback. Modulo-SK is evaluated on the AWGN channel with coded feedback and unit delay. [1] also claimed an implementation of Schalkwijk and Kailath (SK) [3] which was numerically stable for any number of information bits and iterations. However, we observe that while their implementation does marginally improve over ours, it also suffers from a fundamental issue with precision. Finally, we show that Deepcode dominates the optimized performance of SK, over a natural choice of parameterizations when the feedback is noisy.
