Material Platforms for Defect Qubits and Single Photon Emitters

Abstract in English

Quantum technology has grown out of quantum information theory and now provides a valuable tool that researchers from numerous fields can add to their toolbox of research methods. To date, various systems have been exploited to promote the application of quantum information processing. The systems that can be used for quantum technology include superconducting circuits, ultra-cold atoms, trapped ions, semiconductor quantum dots, and solid-state spins and emitters. In this review, we will discuss the state of the art on material platforms for spin-based quantum technology, with a focus on the progress in solid-state spins and emitters in several leading host materials, including diamond, silicon carbide, boron nitride, silicon, two-dimensional semiconductors, and other materials. We will highlight how first-principles calculations can serve as an exceptionally robust tool for finding the novel defect qubits and single photon emitters in solids, through detailed predictions of the electronic, magnetic and optical properties.
