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City-Scale Agent-Based Simulators for the Study of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in the Context of the COVID-19 Epidemic

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 Added by Sarath Yasodharan
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We highlight the usefulness of city-scale agent-based simulators in studying various non-pharmaceutical interventions to manage an evolving pandemic. We ground our studies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrate the power of the simulator via several exploratory case studies in two metropolises, Bengaluru and Mumbai. Such tools become common-place in any city administrations tool kit in our march towards digital health.

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The nation-wide lockdown starting 25 March 2020, aimed at suppressing the spread of the COVID-19 disease, was extended until 31 May 2020 in three subsequent orders by the Government of India. The extended lockdown has had significant social and economic consequences and `lockdown fatigue has likely set in. Phased reopening began from 01 June 2020 onwards. Mumbai, one of the most crowded cities in the world, has witnessed both the largest number of cases and deaths among all the cities in India (41986 positive cases and 1368 deaths as of 02 June 2020). Many tough decisions are going to be made on re-opening in the next few days. In an earlier IISc-TIFR Report, we presented an agent-based city-scale simulator(ABCS) to model the progression and spread of the infection in large metropolises like Mumbai and Bengaluru. As discussed in IISc-TIFR Report 1, ABCS is a useful tool to model interactions of city residents at an individual level and to capture the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the infection spread. In this report we focus on Mumbai. Using our simulator, we consider some plausible scenarios for phased emergence of Mumbai from the lockdown, 01 June 2020 onwards. These include phased and gradual opening of the industry, partial opening of public transportation (modelling of infection spread in suburban trains), impact of containment zones on controlling infections, and the role of compliance with respect to various intervention measures including use of masks, case isolation, home quarantine, etc. The main takeaway of our simulation results is that a phased opening of workplaces, say at a conservative attendance level of 20 to 33%, is a good way to restart economic activity while ensuring that the citys medical care capacity remains adequate to handle the possible rise in the number of COVID-19 patients in June and July.
We present modeling of the COVID-19 epidemic in Illinois, USA, capturing the implementation of a Stay-at-Home order and scenarios for its eventual release. We use a non-Markovian age-of-infection model that is capable of handling long and variable time delays without changing its model topology. Bayesian estimation of model parameters is carried out using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. This framework allows us to treat all available input information, including both the previously published parameters of the epidemic and available local data, in a uniform manner. To accurately model deaths as well as demand on the healthcare system, we calibrate our predictions to total and in-hospital deaths as well as hospital and ICU bed occupancy by COVID-19 patients. We apply this model not only to the state as a whole but also its sub-regions in order to account for the wide disparities in population size and density. Without prior information on non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), the model independently reproduces a mitigation trend closely matching mobility data reported by Google and Unacast. Forward predictions of the model provide robust estimates of the peak position and severity and also enable forecasting the regional-dependent results of releasing Stay-at-Home orders. The resulting highly constrained narrative of the epidemic is able to provide estimates of its unseen progression and inform scenarios for sustainable monitoring and control of the epidemic.
We develop a novel hybrid epidemiological model and a specific methodology for its calibration to distinguish and assess the impact of mobility restrictions (given by Apples mobility trends data) from other complementary non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) used to control the spread of COVID-19. Using the calibrated model, we estimate that mobility restrictions contribute to 47 % (US States) and 47 % (worldwide) of the overall suppression of the disease transmission rate using data up to 13/08/2020. The forecast capacity of our model was evaluated doing four-weeks ahead predictions. Using data up to 30/06/20 for calibration, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the prediction of cumulative deceased individuals was 5.0 % for the United States (51 states) and 6.7 % worldwide (49 countries). This MAPE was reduced to 3.5% for the US and 3.8% worldwide using data up to 13/08/2020. We find that the MAPE was higher for the total confirmed cases at 11.5% worldwide and 10.2% for the US States using data up to 13/08/2020. Our calibrated model achieves an average R-Squared value for cumulative confirmed and deceased cases of 0.992 using data up to 30/06/20 and 0.98 using data up to 13/08/20.
76 - Luca DellAnna 2020
We study a simple realistic model for describing the diffusion of an infectious disease on a population of individuals. The dynamics is governed by a single functional delay differential equation, which, in the case of a large population, can be solved exactly, even in the presence of a time-dependent infection rate. This delay model has a higher degree of accuracy than that of the so-called SIR model, commonly used in epidemiology, which, instead, is formulated in terms of ordinary differential equations. We apply this model to describe the outbreak of the new infectious disease, Covid-19, in Italy, taking into account the containment measures implemented by the government in order to mitigate the spreading of the virus and the social costs for the population.
82 - Nicola Perra 2020
Infectious diseases and human behavior are intertwined. On one side, our movements and interactions are the engines of transmission. On the other, the unfolding of viruses might induce changes to our daily activities. While intuitive, our understanding of such feedback loop is still limited. Before COVID-19 the literature on the subject was mainly theoretical and largely missed validation. The main issue was the lack of empirical data capturing behavioral change induced by diseases. Things have dramatically changed in 2020. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) have been the key weapon against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and affected virtually any societal process. Travels bans, events cancellation, social distancing, curfews, and lockdowns have become unfortunately very familiar. The scale of the emergency, the ease of survey as well as crowdsourcing deployment guaranteed by the latest technology, several Data for Good programs developed by tech giants, major mobile phone providers, and other companies have allowed unprecedented access to data describing behavioral changes induced by the pandemic. Here, I aim to review some of the vast literature written on the subject of NPIs during the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, I analyze 347 articles written by more than 2518 of authors in the last $12$ months. While the large majority of the sample was obtained by querying PubMed, it includes also a hand-curated list. Considering the focus, and methodology I have classified the sample into seven main categories: epidemic models, surveys, comments/perspectives, papers aiming to quantify the effects of NPIs, reviews, articles using data proxies to measure NPIs, and publicly available datasets describing NPIs. I summarize the methodology, data used, findings of the articles in each category and provide an outlook highlighting future challenges as well as opportunities
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