Accelerating Black Hole Thermodynamics with Boost Time

Abstract in English

We derive a thermodynamic first law for the electrically charged C-metric with vanishing cosmological constant. This spacetime describes a pair of identical accelerating black holes each pulled by a cosmic string. Treating the boost time of this spacetime as the canonical time, we find a thermodynamic first law in which every term has an unambiguous physical meaning. We then show how this first law can be derived using Noetherian methods in the covariant phase space formalism. We argue that the area of the acceleration horizon contributes to the entropy and that the appropriate notion of energy of this spacetime is a boost mass, which vanishes identically. The recovery of the Reissner-Nordstrom first law in the limit of small string tension is also demonstrated. Finally, we compute the action of the Euclidean section of the C-metric and show it agrees with the thermodynamic grand potential, providing an independent confirmation of the validity of our first law. We also briefly speculate on the significance of firewalls in this spacetime.
