Thirteen years of Weather Statistics at San Pedro Martir Observatory

Abstract in English

We present weather statistics for thirteen years of data gathered with the meteorological stations at Observatorio Astronomico Nacional in the Sierra San Pedro Martir (OAN-SPM) over the period 2007-2019. These weather stations include sensors that measure temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, precipitation and wind conditions, among other climatological variables. The median values of the air temperature are $10.3^{circ}$ C and $7.0^{circ}$ C for daytime and nighttime, respectively. The relative humidity follows a seasonal variation with April-June being the driest months while July-September being the most humid. The median values for the sustained wind speed are 11 and 14 km hr$^{-1}$ for daytime and nighttime data, respectively. Preferred wind directions are SSW and North. Sustained winds are stronger at night and during December, January and February. Our data indicate an annual mean rain precipitation of 313 mm, most of which occurs during the summer season as afternoon thunderstorms.
