Despite significant advances in image-to-image (I2I) translation with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been made, it remains challenging to effectively translate an image to a set of diverse images in multiple target domains using a pair of generator and discriminator. Existing multimodal I2I translation methods adopt multiple domain-specific content encoders for different domains, where each domain-specific content encoder is trained with images from the same domain only. Nevertheless, we argue that the content (domain-invariant) features should be learned from images among all the domains. Consequently, each domain-specific content encoder of existing schemes fails to extract the domain-invariant features efficiently. To address this issue, we present a flexible and general SoloGAN model for efficient multimodal I2I translation among multiple domains with unpaired data. In contrast to existing methods, the SoloGAN algorithm uses a single projection discriminator with an additional auxiliary classifier, and shares the encoder and generator for all domains. As such, the SoloGAN model can be trained effectively with images from all domains such that the domain-invariant content representation can be efficiently extracted. Qualitative and quantitative results over a wide range of datasets against several counterparts and variants of the SoloGAN model demonstrate the merits of the method, especially for the challenging I2I translation tasks, i.e., tasks that involve extreme shape variations or need to keep the complex backgrounds unchanged after translations. Furthermore, we demonstrate the contribution of each component using ablation studies.