Scheme for sub-shot-noise transmission measurement using a time multiplexed single-photon source

Abstract in English

A promising result from optical quantum metrology is the ability to achieve sub-shot-noise performance in transmission or absorption measurements. This is due to the significantly lower uncertainty in light intensity of quantum beams with respect to their classical counterparts. In this work, we simulate the outcome of an experiment that uses a multiplexed single-photon source based on pair generation by continuous spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) followed by a time multiplexing set-up with a binary temporal division strategy, considering several types of experimental losses. With such source, the sub-Poissonian statistics of the output signal is the key for achieving sub-shot-noise performance. We compare the numerical results with two paradigmatic limits: the shot-noise limit (achieved using coherent sources) and the quantum limit (obtained with an ideal photon-number Fock state as the input source). We also investigate conditions in which threshold detectors can be used, and the effect of input light fluctuations on the measurement error. Results show that sub-shot-noise performance can be achieved, even without using number-resolving detectors, with improvement factors that range from 1.5 to 2. This technique would allow measurements of optical absorption of a sample with reasonable uncertainty using ultra-low light intensity and minimum disruption of biological or other fragile specimens.
