Dynamic Federated Learning Model for Identifying Adversarial Clients

Abstract in English

Federated learning, as a distributed learning that conducts the training on the local devices without accessing to the training data, is vulnerable to dirty-label data poisoning adversarial attacks. We claim that the federated learning model has to avoid those kind of adversarial attacks through filtering out the clients that manipulate the local data. We propose a dynamic federated learning model that dynamically discards those adversarial clients, which allows to prevent the corruption of the global learning model. We evaluate the dynamic discarding of adversarial clients deploying a deep learning classification model in a federated learning setting, and using the EMNIST Digits and Fashion MNIST image classification datasets. Likewise, we analyse the capacity of detecting clients with poor data distribution and reducing the number of rounds of learning by selecting the clients to aggregate. The results show that the dynamic selection of the clients to aggregate enhances the performance of the global learning model, discards the adversarial and poor clients and reduces the rounds of learning.
