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Dynamical Phase Diagram of Ultracold Josephson Junctions

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 Added by Klejdja Xhani
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We provide a complete study of the phase diagram characterising the distinct dynamical regimes emerging in a three-dimensional Josephson junction in an ultracold quantum gas. Considering trapped ultracold superfluids separated into two reservoirs by a barrier of variable height and width, we analyse the population imbalance dynamics following a variable initial population mismatch. We demonstrate that as the chemical potential difference is increased, the system transitions from Josephson plasma oscillations to either a dissipative (in the limit of low and narrow barriers) or a self-trapped regime (for large and wider barriers), with a crossover between the dissipative and the self-trapping regimes which we explore and characterize for the first time. This work, which extends beyond the validity of the standard two-mode model, connects the role of the barrier width, vortex rings and associated acoustic emission with different regimes of the superfluid dynamics across the junction, establishing a framework for its experimental observation, which is found to be within current experimental reach.

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351 - A. Gumann , N. Schopohl 2009
We show that a constriction-type Josephson junction realized by an epitactic thin film of a d-wave superconductor with an appropriate boundary geometry exhibits intrinsic phase differences between 0 and pi depending on geometric parameters and temperature. Based on microscopic Eilenberger theory, we provide a general derivation of the relation between the change of the free energy of the junction and the current-phase relation. From the change of the free energy, we calculate phase diagrams and discuss transitions driven by geometric parameters and temperature.
We investigate the mean-field phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model with infinite-range interactions in two dimensions. This model describes ultracold bosonic atoms confined by a two-dimensional optical lattice and dispersively coupled to a cavity mode with the same wavelength as the lattice. We determine the ground-state phase diagram for a grand-canonical ensemble by means of analytical and numerical methods. Our results mostly agree with the ones reported in Dogra et al. [PRA 94, 023632 (2016)], and have a remarkable qualitative agreement with the quantum Monte Carlo phase diagrams of Flottat et al. [PRB 95, 144501 (2017)]. The salient differences concern the stability of the supersolid phases, which we discuss in detail. Finally, we discuss differences and analogies between the ground state properties of strong long-range interacting bosons with the ones predicted for repulsively interacting dipolar bosons in two dimensions.
82 - T. Tian , H.-X. Yang , L.-Y. Qiu 2020
Dynamical quantum phase transitions are closely related to equilibrium quantum phase transitions for ground states. Here, we report an experimental observation of a dynamical quantum phase transition in a spinor condensate with correspondence in an excited state phase diagram, instead of the ground state one. We observe that the quench dynamics exhibits a non-analytical change with respect to a parameter in the final Hamiltonian in the absence of a corresponding phase transition for the ground state there. We make a connection between this singular point and a phase transition point for the highest energy level in a subspace with zero spin magnetization of a Hamiltonian. We further show the existence of dynamical phase transitions for finite magnetization corresponding to the phase transition of the highest energy level in the subspace with the same magnetization. Our results open a door for using dynamical phase transitions as a tool to probe physics at higher energy eigenlevels of many-body Hamiltonians.
106 - Abhik Kumar Saha 2021
We study the dynamics of one-dimensional bosons trapped in a box potential, in the presence of a barrier creating a tunable weak-link, thus realizing a one dimensional Bose Josephson junction. By varying the initial population imbalance and the barrier height we evidence different dynamical regimes. In particular we show that at large barriers a two mode model captures accurately the dynamics, while for low barriers the dynamics involves dispersive shock waves and solitons. We study a quench protocol that can be readily implemented in experiments and show that self-trapping resonances can occur. This phenomenon can be understood qualitatively within the two-mode model.
We report the creation of a pair of Josephson junctions on a toroidal dilute gas Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), a configuration that is the cold atom analog of the well-known dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). We observe Josephson effects, measure the critical current of the junctions, and find dynamic behavior that is in good agreement with the simple Josephson equations for a tunnel junction with the ideal sinusoidal current-phase relation expected for the parameters of the experiment. The junctions and toroidal trap are created with the painted potential, a time-averaged optical dipole potential technique which will allow scaling to more complex BEC circuit geometries than the single atom-SQUID case reported here. Since rotation plays the same role in the atom SQUID as magnetic field does in the dc SQUID magnetometer, the device has potential as a compact rotation sensor.
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