Linear Symmetries of the Unsquared Measurement Variety

Abstract in English

We introduce a new family of algebraic varieties, $L_{d,n}$, which we call the unsquared measurement varieties. This family is parameterized by a number of points $n$ and a dimension $d$. These varieties arise naturally from problems in rigidity theory and distance geometry. In those applications, it can be useful to understand the group of linear automorphisms of $L_{d,n}$. Notably, a result of Regge implies that $L_{2,4}$ has an unexpected linear automorphism. In this paper, we give a complete characterization of the linear automorphisms of $L_{d,n}$ for all $n$ and $d$. We show, that apart from $L_{2,4}$ the unsquared measurement varieties have no unexpected automorphisms. Moreover, for $L_{2,4}$ we characterize the full automorphism group.
