A Strong-Lensing Model for the WMDF JWST/GTO Very Rich Cluster Abell 1489

Abstract in English

We present a first strong-lensing model for the galaxy cluster RM J121218.5+273255.1 ($z=0.35$; hereafter RMJ1212; also known as Abell 1489). This cluster is amongst the top 0.1% richest clusters in the redMaPPer catalog; it is significantly detected in X-ray and through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in ROSAT and emph{Planck} data, respectively; and its optical luminosity distribution implies a very large lens, following mass-to-light scaling relations. Based on these properties it was chosen for the Webb Medium Deep Fields (WMDF) JWST/GTO program. In preparation for this program, RMJ1212 was recently imaged with GMOS on Gemini North and in seven optical and near-infrared bands with the emph{Hubble Space Telescope}. We use these data to map the inner mass distribution of the cluster, uncovering various sets of multiple images. We also search for high-redshift candidates in the data, as well as for transient sources. We find over a dozen high-redshift ($zgtrsim6$) candidates based on both photometric redshift and the dropout technique. No prominent ($gtrsim5 sigma$) transients were found in the data between the two HST visits. Our lensing analysis reveals a relatively large lens with an effective Einstein radius of $theta_{E}simeq32pm3$ ($z_{s}=2$), in broad agreement with the scaling-relation expectations. RMJ1212 demonstrates that powerful lensing clusters can be selected in a robust and automated way following the light-traces-mass assumption.
