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We propose a novel neural architecture for representing 3D surfaces, which harnesses two complementary shape representations: (i) an explicit representation via an atlas, i.e., embeddings of 2D domains into 3D; (ii) an implicit-function representation, i.e., a scalar function over the 3D volume, with its levels denoting surfaces. We make these two representations synergistic by introducing novel consistency losses that ensure that the surface created from the atlas aligns with the level-set of the implicit function. Our hybrid architecture outputs results which are superior to the output of the two equivalent single-representation networks, yielding smoother explicit surfaces with more accurate normals, and a more accurate implicit occupancy function. Additionally, our surface reconstruction step can directly leverage the explicit atlas-based representation. This process is computationally efficient, and can be directly used by differentiable rasterizers, enabling training our hybrid representation with image-based losses.
Implicit neural representation is a recent approach to learn shape collections as zero level-sets of neural networks, where each shape is represented by a latent code. So far, the focus has been shape reconstruction, while shape generalization was mostly left to generic encoder-decoder or auto-decoder regularization. In this paper we advocate deformation-aware regularization for implicit neural representations, aiming at producing plausible deformations as latent code changes. The challenge is that implicit representations do not capture correspondences between different shapes, which makes it difficult to represent and regularize their deformations. Thus, we propose to pair the implicit representation of the shapes with an explicit, piecewise linear deformation field, learned as an auxiliary function. We demonstrate that, by regularizing these deformation fields, we can encourage the implicit neural representation to induce natural deformations in the learned shape space, such as as-rigid-as-possible deformations.
Implicit surface representations, such as signed-distance functions, combined with deep learning have led to impressive models which can represent detailed shapes of objects with arbitrary topology. Since a continuous function is learned, the reconstructions can also be extracted at any arbitrary resolution. However, large datasets such as ShapeNet are required to train such models. In this paper, we present a new mid-level patch-based surface representation. At the level of patches, objects across different categories share similarities, which leads to more generalizable models. We then introduce a novel method to learn this patch-based representation in a canonical space, such that it is as object-agnostic as possible. We show that our representation trained on one category of objects from ShapeNet can also well represent detailed shapes from any other category. In addition, it can be trained using much fewer shapes, compared to existing approaches. We show several applications of our new representation, including shape interpolation and partial point cloud completion. Due to explicit control over positions, orientations and scales of patches, our representation is also more controllable compared to object-level representations, which enables us to deform encoded shapes non-rigidly.
We have witnessed rapid progress on 3D-aware image synthesis, leveraging recent advances in generative visual models and neural rendering. Existing approaches however fall short in two ways: first, they may lack an underlying 3D representation or rely on view-inconsistent rendering, hence synthesizing images that are not multi-view consistent; second, they often depend upon representation network architectures that are not expressive enough, and their results thus lack in image quality. We propose a novel generative model, named Periodic Implicit Generative Adversarial Networks ($pi$-GAN or pi-GAN), for high-quality 3D-aware image synthesis. $pi$-GAN leverages neural representations with periodic activation functions and volumetric rendering to represent scenes as view-consistent 3D representations with fine detail. The proposed approach obtains state-of-the-art results for 3D-aware image synthesis with multiple real and synthetic datasets.
Shape priors learned from data are commonly used to reconstruct 3D objects from partial or noisy data. Yet no such shape priors are available for indoor scenes, since typical 3D autoencoders cannot handle their scale, complexity, or diversity. In this paper, we introduce Local Implicit Grid Representations, a new 3D shape representation designed for scalability and generality. The motivating idea is that most 3D surfaces share geometric details at some scale -- i.e., at a scale smaller than an entire object and larger than a small patch. We train an autoencoder to learn an embedding of local crops of 3D shapes at that size. Then, we use the decoder as a component in a shape optimization that solves for a set of latent codes on a regular grid of overlapping crops such that an interpolation of the decoded local shapes matches a partial or noisy observation. We demonstrate the value of this proposed approach for 3D surface reconstruction from sparse point observations, showing significantly better results than alternative approaches.
We present the first deep implicit 3D morphable model (i3DMM) of full heads. Unlike earlier morphable face models it not only captures identity-specific geometry, texture, and expressions of the frontal face, but also models the entire head, including hair. We collect a new dataset consisting of 64 people with different expressions and hairstyles to train i3DMM. Our approach has the following favorable properties: (i) It is the first full head morphable model that includes hair. (ii) In contrast to mesh-based models it can be trained on merely rigidly aligned scans, without requiring difficult non-rigid registration. (iii) We design a novel architecture to decouple the shape model into an implicit reference shape and a deformation of this reference shape. With that, dense correspondences between shapes can be learned implicitly. (iv) This architecture allows us to semantically disentangle the geometry and color components, as color is learned in the reference space. Geometry is further disentangled as identity, expressions, and hairstyle, while color is disentangled as identity and hairstyle components. We show the merits of i3DMM using ablation studies, comparisons to state-of-the-art models, and applications such as semantic head editing and texture transfer. We will make our model publicly available.