Symbiotic Adversarial Learning for Attribute-based Person Search

Abstract in English

Attribute-based person search is in significant demand for applications where no detected query images are available, such as identifying a criminal from witness. However, the task itself is quite challenging because there is a huge modality gap between images and physical descriptions of attributes. Often, there may also be a large number of unseen categories (attribute combinations). The current state-of-the-art methods either focus on learning better cross-modal embeddings by mining only seen data, or they explicitly use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to synthesize unseen features. The former tends to produce poor embeddings due to insufficient data, while the latter does not preserve intra-class compactness during generation. In this paper, we present a symbiotic adversarial learning framework, called SAL.Two GANs sit at the base of the framework in a symbiotic learning scheme: one synthesizes features of unseen classes/categories, while the other optimizes the embedding and performs the cross-modal alignment on the common embedding space .Specifically, two different types of generative adversarial networks learn collaboratively throughout the training process and the interactions between the two mutually benefit each other. Extensive evaluations show SALs superiority over nine state-of-the-art methods with two challenging pedestrian benchmarks, PETA and Market-1501. The code is publicly available at: .
