Resistive AC-Coupled Silicon Detectors: principles of operation and first results from a combined analysis of beam test and laser data

Abstract in English

This paper presents the principles of operation of Resistive AC-Coupled Silicon Detectors (RSDs) and measurements of the temporal and spatial resolutions using a combined analysis of laser and beam test data. RSDs are a new type of n-in-p silicon sensor based on the Low-Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) technology, where the $n^+$ implant has been designed to be resistive, and the read-out is obtained via AC-coupling. The truly innovative feature of RSD is that the signal generated by an impinging particle is shared isotropically among multiple read-out pads without the need for floating electrodes or an external magnetic field. Careful tuning of the coupling oxide thickness and the $n^+$ doping profile is at the basis of the successful functioning of this device. Several RSD matrices with different pad width-pitch geometries have been extensively tested with a laser setup in the Laboratory for Innovative Silicon Sensors in Torino, while a smaller set of devices have been tested at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility with a 120 GeV/c proton beam. The measured spatial resolution ranges between $2.5; mu m$ for 70-100 pad-pitch geometry and $17; mu m$ with 200-500 matrices, a factor of 10 better than what is achievable in binary read-out ($bin; size/ sqrt{12}$). Beam test data show a temporal resolution of $sim 40; ps$ for 200-$mu m$ pitch devices, in line with the best performances of LGAD sensors at the same gain.
