UUVs Hierarchical DE-based Motion Planning in a Semi Dynamic Underwater Wireless Sensor Network

Abstract in English

This paper describes a reflexive multilayered mission planner with a mounted energy efficient local path planner for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) navigation throughout the complex subsea volume in a time-variant semi-dynamic operation network. The UUV routing protocol in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UNSW) is generalized with a homogeneous Dynamic Knapsack-Traveler Salesman Problem emerging with an adaptive path planning mechanism to address UUVs long-duration missions on dynamically changing subsea volume. The framework includes a base layer of global path planning, an inner layer of local path planning and an environmental sub-layer. Such a multilayer integrated structure facilitates the framework to adopt any algorithm with real-time performance. The evolutionary technique known as Differential Evolution algorithm is employed by both base and inner layers to examine the performance of the framework in efficient mission timing and its resilience against the environmental disturbances. Relying on reactive nature of the framework and fast computational performance of the DE algorithm, the simulations show promising results and this new framework guarantees a safe and efficient deployment in a turbulent uncertain marine environment passing through a proper sequence of stations considering various constraint in a complex environment.
