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In this work, we study possible hidden-bottom molecular pentaquarks $P_b$ from coupled-channel $Sigma^{(*)}_bB^{(*)}-Lambda_bB^{(*)}$ interaction in the quasipotential Bethe-Salpeter equation approach. In isodoublet sector with $I=1/2$, with the same reasonable parameters the interaction produces seven molecular states, a state near $ Sigma_bB$ threshold with spin parity $J^P=1/2^-$, a state near $Sigma^*_bB$ threshold with $3/2^-$, two states near $Sigma_bB^*$ threshold with $1/2^-$ and $3/2^-$, and three states near $Sigma_b^*B^*$ threshold with $1/2^-$, $3/2^-$, and $5/2^-$. The results suggest that three states near $Sigma_b^* B^*$ threshold and two states near $Sigma_b B^*$ threshold are very close, respectively, which may be difficult to distinguish in experiment without partial wave analysis. Compared with the hidden-charm pentaquark, the $P_b$ states are relatively narrow with widths at an order of magnitude of 1 MeV or smaller. The importance of each channel considered is also discussed, and it is found that the $Lambda_b B^*$ channel provides important contribution for the widths of those states. In isoquartet sector with $I=3/2$, cutoff should be considerably enlarged to achieve bound states from the interaction, which makes the existence of such states unreliable. The results in the current work are helpful for searching for hidden-bottom molecular pentaquarks in future experiments, such as the COMPASS, J-PARC, and the Electron Ion Collider in China (EicC).
We investigate heavy quark symmetries for heavy light meson-antimeson systems in a contact-range effective field theory. In the SU(3) light flavor limit, the leading order Lagrangian respecting heavy quark spin symmetry contains four independent counter-terms. Neglecting $1/m_Q$ corrections, three of these low energy constants can be determ1ined by theorizing a molecular description of the $X(3872)$ and $Z_b(10610)$ states. Thus, we can predict new hadronic molecules, in particular the isovector charmonium partners of the $Z_b(10610)$ and the $Z_b(10650)$ states. We also discuss hadron molecules composed of a heavy meson and a doubly-heavy baryon, which would be related to the heavy meson-antimeson molecules thanks to the heavy antiquark-diquark symmetry. Finally, we also study the $X(3872) to D^0bar D^0pi^0$ decay, which is not only sensitive to the short distance part of the $X(3872)$ molecular wave function, as the $J/psipipi$ and $J/psi3pi$ $X(3872)$ decay modes are, but it is also affected by the long-distance structure of the resonance. Furthermore, this decay might provide some information on the interaction between the $Dbar D$ charm mesons.
Recently BESIII collaboration discovered a charged strange hidden-charm state $Z_{cs}$(3985) in the $D_s^-D^{*0} + D_s^{*-}D^{0}$ spectrum. A higher $Z_{cs}$ state coupling to $bar{D}_s^{*-}D^{*0}$ is expected by SU(3)-flavor symmetry, and their bottom partners are anticipated by heavy quark flavor symmetry. Here we study the photoproduction of these exotic states and investigate carefully the background from Pomeron exchange. Our results indicate that the maximal photoproduction cross section of strange partner is around 1 $sim$ 2 orders of magnitude smaller than that of the corresponding non-strange states. The possibility of searching for them in future electron-ion colliders (EIC) is briefly discussed.
We study the three-body systems of $bar{K}^{(*)}B^{(*)}bar{B}^{(*)}$ by solving the Faddeev equations in the fixed-center approximation, where the light particle $bar{K}^{(*)}$ interacts with the heavy bound states of $Bbar{B}$ ($B^*bar{B}^*$) forming the clusters. In terms of the very attractive $bar{K}^*B$ and $bar{K}^*B^*$ subsystems, which are constrained by the observed $B_{s1}(5830)$ and $B_{s2}^*(5840)$ states in experiment, we find two deep bound states, containing the hidden-bottom components, with masses $11002pm 63$ MeV and $11078pm 57$ MeV in the $bar{K}^*Bbar{B}$ and $bar{K}^*B^*bar{B}^*$ systems, respectively. The two corresponding states with higher masses of the above systems are also predicted. In addition, using the constrained two-body amplitudes of $bar{K}B^{(*)}$ and $bar{K}bar{B}^{(*)}$ via the hidden gauge symmetry in the heavy-quark sector, we also find two three-body $bar{K}Bbar{B}$ and $bar{K}B^{*}bar{B}^*$ bound states.
We have studied the meson-baryon interaction in coupled channels with the same quantum numbers of $Xi_{bc}$. The interaction is attractive in some channels and of sufficient intensity to lead to bound states or resonances. We use a model describing the meson-baryon interaction based on an extrapolation of the local hidden gauge approach to the heavy sector, which has been successfully used in predicting $Omega_c$ and hidden charm states. We obtain many states, some of them narrow or with zero width, as a consequence of the interaction, which qualify as molecular states in those channels. The success in related sectors of the picture used should encourage the experimental search for such states.
Stimulated by the new experimental LHCb findings associated with the $Omega_c$ states, some of which we have described in a previous work as being dynamically generated through meson-baryon interaction, we have extended this approach to make predictions for new $Xi_{cc}$ molecular states in the $C=2$, $S=0$ and $I=1/2$ sector. These states manifest themselves as poles in the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in coupled channels. The kernels of this equation were obtained using the Lagrangians coming from the hidden local gauge symmetry, where the interactions are dominated by the exchange of light vector mesons. The extension of this approach to the heavy sector stems from the realization that the dominant interaction corresponds to having the heavy quarks as spectators, which implies the preservation of the heavy quark symmetry. As a result, we get several states: two states from the pseudoscalar meson-baryon interaction with $J^P=1/2^-$, and masses around $4080$ and $4090$ MeV, and one at $4150$ MeV for $J^P=3/2^-$. Furthermore, from the vector meson-baryon interaction we get three states degenerate with $J^P=1/2^-$ and $3/2^-$ from $4220$ MeV to $4330$ MeV, and two more states around $4280$ MeV and $4410$ MeV, degenerate with $J^P=1/2^-,, 3/2^-$ and $5/2^-$.