A two-parameter family of measure-valued diffusions with Poisson-Dirichlet stationary distributions

Abstract in English

We give a pathwise construction of a two-parameter family of purely-atomic-measure-valued diffusions in which ranked masses of atoms are stationary with the Poisson-Dirichlet$(alpha,theta)$ distributions, for $alphain (0,1)$ and $thetage 0$. This resolves a conjecture of Feng and Sun (2010). We build on our previous work on $(alpha,0)$- and $(alpha,alpha)$-interval partition evolutions. Indeed, we first extract a self-similar superprocess from the levels of stable processes whose jumps are decorated with squared Bessel excursions and distinct allelic types. We complete our construction by time-change and normalisation to unit mass. In a companion paper, we show that the ranked masses of the measure-valued processes evolve according to a two-parameter family of diffusions introduced by Petrov (2009), extending work of Ethier and Kurtz (1981). These ranked-mass diffusions arise as continuum limits of up-down Markov chains on Chinese restaurant processes.
