MAICRM : A general model for rapid simulation of hot dense plasmas

Abstract in English

We propose a general model, Multi-Average Ion Collisional-Radiative Model (MAICRM), to rapid simulate the ionization and population distributions of hot dense plasmas. In MAICRM, the orbital occupation numbers of ions at the same charge stage are averaged and determined by the excitation and de-excitation processes; the populations of the average ions are determined by the ionization and recombination processes with the fixed orbital average occupation numbers in each ion. The calculated mean ionizations and charge state distributions of MAICRM are in general agreement with the other theoretical and experimental results especially for the mid- and high-density plasmas. Since MAICRM considers more detailed transitions and ionization balances than the average atom model and is faster than DCA/SCA models, this model has the advantage to be combined into hydrodynamic simulations.
