Extended nonergodic regime and spin subdiffusion in disordered SU(2)-symmetric Floquet systems

Abstract in English

We explore thermalization and quantum dynamics in a one-dimensional disordered SU(2)-symmetric Floquet model, where a many-body localized phase is prohibited by the non-abelian symmetry. Despite the absence of localization, we find an extended nonergodic regime at strong disorder where the system exhibits nonthermal behaviors. In the strong disorder regime, the level spacing statistics exhibit neither a Wigner-Dyson nor a Poisson distribution, and the spectral form factor does not show a linear-in-time growth at early times characteristic of random matrix theory. The average entanglement entropy of the Floquet eigenstates is subthermal, although violating an area-law scaling with system sizes. We further compute the expectation value of local observables and find strong deviations from the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. The infinite temperature spin autocorrelation function decays at long times as $t^{-beta}$ with $beta < 0.5$, indicating subdiffusive transport at strong disorders.
