Irreducible Jet modules for the vector field Lie algebra on $mathbb{S}^1times mathbb{C}$

Abstract in English

For a commutative algebra $A$ over $mathbb{C}$,denote $mathfrak{g}=text{Der}(A)$. A module over the smash product $A# U(mathfrak{g})$ is called a jet $mathfrak{g}$-module, where $U(mathfrak{g})$ is the universal enveloping algebra of $mathfrak{g}$.In the present paper, we study jet modules in the case of $A=mathbb{C}[t_1^{pm 1},t_2]$.We show that $A#U(mathfrak{g})congmathcal{D}otimes U(L)$, where $mathcal{D}$ is the Weyl algebra $mathbb{C}[t_1^{pm 1},t_2, frac{partial}{partial t_1},frac{partial}{partial t_2}]$, and $L$ is a Lie subalgebra of $A# U(mathfrak{g})$ called the jet Lie algebra corresponding to $mathfrak{g}$.Using a Lie algebra isomorphism $theta:L rightarrow mathfrak{m}_{1,0}Delta$, where $mathfrak{m}_{1,0}Delta$ is the subalgebra of vector fields vanishing at the point $(1,0)$, we show that any irreducible finite dimensional $L$-module is isomorphic to an irreducible $mathfrak{gl}_2$-module. As an application, we give tensor product realizations of irreducible jet modules over $mathfrak{g}$ with uniformly bounded weight spaces.
