Towards Direct Numerical Simulation of a 5x5 Rod Bundle

Abstract in English

Rod bundle flows are prevalent in nuclear engineering for both light water reactors (LWR) and advanced reactor concepts. Unlike canonical channel flow, the flow in rod bundles presents some unique characteristics, notably due to the inhomogeneous cross section which can present different local conditions of turbulence as well as localized effects characteristic of external flows. Despite the ubiquity of rod bundle flows and the decades of experimental and numerical knowledge acquired in this field, there are no publicly available direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the flow in multiple pin rod bundles with heat transfer. A multiple pin DNS study is of great value as it would allow for assessment of the reliability of various turbulence models in the presence of heat transfer, as well as allow for a deeper understanding of the flow physics. We present work towards DNS of the flow in a square 5x5 rod bundle representative of LWR fuel. We consider standard configurations as well as configurations where the central pin is replaced with a guide thimble. We perform simulations in STAR-CCM+ to design the numerical DNS, which is to be conducted using the open source spectral element code Nek5000. Large Eddy Simulations are also performed in Nek5000 to confirm that the resolution requirements are adequate. We compare results from STAR-CCM+ and Nek5000, which show very good agreement in the wide gaps with larger discrepancies in the narrow gaps. In particular, evidence of a gap vortex street is seen in the edge subchannels in LES but is not predicted by STAR-CCM+.
