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Reionization inference from the CMB optical depth and E-mode polarization power spectra

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 Added by Yuxiang Qin
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Yuxiang Qin

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The Epoch of Reionization (EoR) depends on the complex astrophysics governing the birth and evolution of the first galaxies and structures in the intergalactic medium. EoR models rely on cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations, and in particular the large-scale E-mode polarization power spectra (EE PS), to help constrain their highly uncertain parameters. However, rather than directly forward-modelling the EE PS, most EoR models are constrained using a summary statistic -- the Thompson scattering optical depth, $tau_e$. Compressing CMB observations to $tau_e$ requires adopting a basis set for the EoR history. The common choice is the unphysical, redshift-symmetric hyperbolic tangent (Tanh) function, which differs in shape from physical EoR models based on hierarchical structure formation. Combining public EoR and CMB codes, 21cmFAST and CLASS, here we quantify how inference using the $tau_e$ summary statistic impacts the resulting constraints on galaxy properties and EoR histories. Using the last Planck 2018 data release, we show that the marginalized constraints on the EoR history are more sensitive to the choice of the basis set (Tanh vs physical model) than to the CMB likelihood statistic ($tau_e$ vs PS). For example, EoR histories implied by the growth of structure show a small tail of partial reionization extending to higher redshifts. However, biases in inference using $tau_e$ are negligible for the Planck 2018 data. Using EoR constraints from high-redshift observations including the quasar dark fraction, galaxy UV luminosity functions and CMB EE PS, our physical model recovers $tau_e=0.0569^{+0.0081}_{-0.0066}$.

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266 - Cora Dvorkin , Wayne Hu 2009
B-modes in CMB polarization from patchy reionization arise from two effects: generation of polarization from scattering of quadrupole moments by reionization bubbles, and fluctuations in the screening of E-modes from recombination. The scattering contribution has been studied previously, but the screening contribution has not yet been calculated. We show that on scales smaller than the acoustic scale (l>300), the B-mode power from screening is larger than the B-mode power from scattering. The ratio approaches a constant ~2.5 below the damping scale (l>2000). On degree scales relevant for gravitational waves (l<100), screening B-modes have a white noise tail and are subdominant to the scattering effect. These results are robust to uncertainties in the modeling of patchy reionization.
334 - Hua Zhai , Si-Yu Li , Mingzhe Li 2020
The Chern-Simons term, through which the cosmic Axion-like field couples to the electromagnetic field, has the effect to rotate CMB polarization directions and to break the CPT symmetry. This rotation will change the CMB power spectra, no matter isotropic or anisotropic the rotation angle is. In this paper we revisit this issue by further considering the correlations between the (anisotropic) rotation angle $alpha$ and the CMB temperature and (unrotated) $E$ polarization fields. These correlations could be generated in the Axion-like models with nonzero potential under the adiabatic initial condition. We first investigate how these correlations contribute further modifications to the CMB power spectra, then calculate the CMB bispectra for the temperature and rotated polarization fields. These bispectra would vanish if the $Talpha$ and $Ealpha$ correlations are absent. So, they are useful in searching for CPT violation and the $Talpha$ and $Ealpha$ correlations arisen in the Axion-like models.
Detection of B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is one of the frontiers of observational cosmology. Because they are an order of magnitude fainter than E-modes, it is quite a challenge to detect B-modes. Having more manageable systematics, interferometers prove to have a substantial advantage over imagers in detecting such faint signals. Here, we present a method for Bayesian inference of power spectra and signal reconstruction from interferometric data of the CMB polarization signal by using the technique of Gibbs sampling. We demonstrate the validity of the method in the flat-sky approximation for a simulation of an interferometric observation on a finite patch with incomplete uv-plane coverage, a finite beam size and a realistic noise model. With a computational complexity of O(n^{3/2}), n being the data size, Gibbs sampling provides an efficient method for analyzing upcoming cosmology observations.
We present measurements of the $E$-mode ($EE$) polarization power spectrum and temperature-$E$-mode ($TE$) cross-power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background using data collected by SPT-3G, the latest instrument installed on the South Pole Telescope. This analysis uses observations of a 1500 deg$^2$ region at 95, 150, and 220 GHz taken over a four month period in 2018. We report binned values of the $EE$ and $TE$ power spectra over the angular multipole range $300 le ell < 3000$, using the multifrequency data to construct six semi-independent estimates of each power spectrum and their minimum-variance combination. These measurements improve upon the previous results of SPTpol across the multipole ranges $300 le ell le 1400$ for $EE$ and $300 le ell le 1700$ for $TE$, resulting in constraints on cosmological parameters comparable to those from other current leading ground-based experiments. We find that the SPT-3G dataset is well-fit by a $Lambda$CDM cosmological model with parameter constraints consistent with those from Planck and SPTpol data. From SPT-3G data alone, we find $H_0 = 68.8 pm 1.5 mathrm{km,s^{-1},Mpc^{-1}}$ and $sigma_8 = 0.789 pm 0.016$, with a gravitational lensing amplitude consistent with the $Lambda$CDM prediction ($A_L = 0.98 pm 0.12$). We combine the SPT-3G and the Planck datasets and obtain joint constraints on the $Lambda$CDM model. The volume of the 68% confidence region in six-dimensional $Lambda$CDM parameter space is reduced by a factor of 1.5 compared to Planck-only constraints, with only slight shifts in central values. We note that the results presented here are obtained from data collected during just half of a typical observing season with only part of the focal plane operable, and that the active detector count has since nearly doubled for observations made with SPT-3G after 2018.
The angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropy observed by WMAP has an anomalous dip at l~20 and bump at l~40. One explanation for this structure is the presence of features in the primordial curvature power spectrum, possibly caused by a step in the inflationary potential. The detection of these features is only marginally significant from temperature data alone. However, the inflationary feature hypothesis predicts a specific shape for the E-mode polarization power spectrum with a structure similar to that observed in temperature at l~20-40. Measurement of the CMB polarization on few-degree scales can therefore be used as a consistency check of the hypothesis. The Planck satellite has the statistical sensitivity to confirm or rule out the model that best fits the temperature features with 3 sigma significance, assuming all other parameters are known. With a cosmic variance limited experiment, this significance improves to 8 sigma. For tests of inflationary models that can explain both the dip and bump in temperature, the primary source of uncertainty is confusion with polarization features created by a complex reionization history, which at most reduces the significance to 2.5 sigma for Planck and 5-6 sigma for an ideal experiment. Smoothing of the polarization spectrum by a large tensor component only slightly reduces the ability of polarization to test for inflationary features, as does requiring that polarization is consistent with the observed temperature spectrum given the expected low level of TE correlation on few-degree scales. A future polarization satellite would enable a decisive test of the feature hypothesis and provide complementary information about the shape of a possible step in the inflationary potential. (Abridged.)
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