$LambdaLambda N$-$Xi NN$ $S$ wave resonance

Abstract in English

We use an existing model of the $LambdaLambda N - Xi NN$ three-body system based in two-body separable interactions to study the $(I,J^P)=(1/2,1/2^+)$ three-body channel. For the $LambdaLambda$, $Xi N$, and $LambdaLambda - Xi N$ amplitudes we have constructed separable potentials based on the most recent results of the HAL QCD Collaboration. They are characterized by the existence of a resonance just below or above the $Xi N$ threshold in the so-called $H$-dibaryon channel, $(i,j^p)=(0,0^+)$. A three-body resonance appears {2.3} MeV above the $Xi d$ threshold. We show that if the $LambdaLambda - Xi N$ $H$-dibaryon channel is not considered, the $LambdaLambda N - Xi NN$ $S$ wave resonance disappears. Thus, the possible existence of a $LambdaLambda N - Xi NN$ resonance would be sensitive to the $LambdaLambda - Xi N$ interaction. The existence or nonexistence of this resonance could be evidenced by measuring, for example, the $Xi d$ cross section.
