Breakthrough Listen Search for Technosignatures Towards the Kepler-160 System

Abstract in English

We have conducted a search for artificial radio emission associated with the Kepler-160 system following the report of the discovery of the Earth-like planet candidate KOI-456.04 on 2020 June 4 (arXiv:1905.09038v2). Our search targeted both narrowband (2.97 Hz) drifting ($pm 4$ Hz s$^{-1})$ and wideband pulsed (5 ms at all bandwidths) artificially-dispersed technosignatures using the turboSETI (arXiv:1709.03491v2) and SPANDAK pipelines, respectively, from 1-8 GHz. No candidates were identified above an upper limit Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of $5.9 times 10^{14}$ W for narrowband emission and $7.3 times 10^{12}$ W for wideband emission. Here we briefly describe our observations and data reduction procedure.
