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To help prevent motor vehicle accidents, there has been significant interest in finding an automated method to recognize signs of driver distraction, such as talking to passengers, fixing hair and makeup, eating and drinking, and using a mobile phone. In this paper, we present an automated supervised learning method called Drive-Net for driver distraction detection. Drive-Net uses a combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a random decision forest for classifying images of a driver. We compare the performance of our proposed Drive-Net to two other popular machine-learning approaches: a recurrent neural network (RNN), and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). We test the methods on a publicly available database of images acquired under a controlled environment containing about 22425 images manually annotated by an expert. Results show that Drive-Net achieves a detection accuracy of 95%, which is 2% more than the best results obtained on the same database using other methods
A new convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for 2D driver/passenger pose estimation and seat belt detection is proposed in this paper. The new architecture is more nimble and thus more suitable for in-vehicle monitoring tasks compared to other generic pose estimation algorithms. The new architecture, named NADS-Net, utilizes the feature pyramid network (FPN) backbone with multiple detection heads to achieve the optimal performance for driver/passenger state detection tasks. The new architecture is validated on a new data set containing video clips of 100 drivers in 50 driving sessions that are collected for this study. The detection performance is analyzed under different demographic, appearance, and illumination conditions. The results presented in this paper may provide meaningful insights for the autonomous driving research community and automotive industry for future algorithm development and data collection.
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness all over the world, with approximately 60 million cases reported worldwide in 2010. If undiagnosed in time, glaucoma causes irreversible damage to the optic nerve leading to blindness. The optic nerve head examination, which involves measurement of cup-to-disc ratio, is considered one of the most valuable methods of structural diagnosis of the disease. Estimation of cup-to-disc ratio requires segmentation of optic disc and optic cup on eye fundus images and can be performed by modern computer vision algorithms. This work presents universal approach for automatic optic disc and cup segmentation, which is based on deep learning, namely, modification of U-Net convolutional neural network. Our experiments include comparison with the best known methods on publicly available databases DRIONS-DB, RIM-ONE v.3, DRISHTI-GS. For both optic disc and cup segmentation, our method achieves quality comparable to current state-of-the-art methods, outperforming them in terms of the prediction time.
Recent studies have used deep residual convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for JPEG compression artifact reduction. This study proposes a scalable CNN called S-Net. Our approach effectively adjusts the network scale dynamically in a multitask system for real-time operation with little performance loss. It offers a simple and direct technique to evaluate the performance gains obtained with increasing network depth, and it is helpful for removing redundant network layers to maximize the network efficiency. We implement our architecture using the Keras framework with the TensorFlow backend on an NVIDIA K80 GPU server. We train our models on the DIV2K dataset and evaluate their performance on public benchmark datasets. To validate the generality and universality of the proposed method, we created and utilized a new dataset, called WIN143, for over-processed images evaluation. Experimental results indicate that our proposed approach outperforms other CNN-based methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
For Convolutional Neural Network-based object detection, there is a typical dilemma: the spatial information is well kept in the shallow layers which unfortunately do not have enough semantic information, while the deep layers have a high semantic concept but lost a lot of spatial information, resulting in serious information imbalance. To acquire enough semantic information for shallow layers, Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) is used to build a top-down propagated path. In this paper, except for top-down combining of information for shallow layers, we propose a novel network called Image Pyramid Guidance Network (IPG-Net) to make sure both the spatial information and semantic information are abundant for each layer. Our IPG-Net has two main parts: the image pyramid guidance transformation module and the image pyramid guidance fusion module. Our main idea is to introduce the image pyramid guidance into the backbone stream to solve the information imbalance problem, which alleviates the vanishment of the small object features. This IPG transformation module promises even in the deepest stage of the backbone, there is enough spatial information for bounding box regression and classification. Furthermore, we designed an effective fusion module to fuse the features from the image pyramid and features from the backbone stream. We have tried to apply this novel network to both one-stage and two-stage detection models, state of the art results are obtained on the most popular benchmark data sets, i.e. MS COCO and Pascal VOC.
As moving objects always draw more attention of human eyes, the temporal motive information is always exploited complementarily with spatial information to detect salient objects in videos. Although efficient tools such as optical flow have been proposed to extract temporal motive information, it often encounters difficulties when used for saliency detection due to the movement of camera or the partial movement of salient objects. In this paper, we investigate the complimentary roles of spatial and temporal information and propose a novel dynamic spatiotemporal network (DS-Net) for more effective fusion of spatiotemporal information. We construct a symmetric two-bypass network to explicitly extract spatial and temporal features. A dynamic weight generator (DWG) is designed to automatically learn the reliability of corresponding saliency branch. And a top-down cross attentive aggregation (CAA) procedure is designed so as to facilitate dynamic complementary aggregation of spatiotemporal features. Finally, the features are modified by spatial attention with the guidance of coarse saliency map and then go through decoder part for final saliency map. Experimental results on five benchmarks VOS, DAVIS, FBMS, SegTrack-v2, and ViSal demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior performance than state-of-the-art algorithms. The source code is available at