Classification of four-point local gluon S-matrices

Abstract in English

In this paper, we classify four-point local gluon S-matrices in arbitrary dimensions. This is along the same lines as cite{Chowdhury:2019kaq} where four-point local photon S-matrices and graviton S-matrices were classified. We do the classification explicitly for gauge groups $SO(N)$ and $SU(N)$ for all $N$ but our method is easily generalizable to other Lie groups. The construction involves combining not-necessarily-permutation-symmetric four-point S-matrices of photons and those of adjoint scalars into permutation symmetric four-point gluon S-matrix. We explicitly list both the components of the construction, i.e permutation symmetric as well as non-symmetric four point S-matrices, for both the photons as well as the adjoint scalars for arbitrary dimensions and for gauge groups $SO(N)$ and $SU(N)$ for all $N$. In this paper, we explicitly list the local Lagrangians that generate the local gluon S-matrices for $Dgeq 9$ and present the relevant counting for lower dimensions. Local Lagrangians for gluon S-matrices in lower dimensions can be written down following the same method. We also express the Yang-Mills four gluon S-matrix with gluon exchange in terms of our basis structures.
