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With Great Dispersion Comes Greater Resilience: Efficient Poisoning Attacks and Defenses for Linear Regression Models

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 Added by Minhui Xue
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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With the rise of third parties in the machine learning pipeline, the service provider in Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS), or external data contributors in online learning, or the retraining of existing models, the need to ensure the security of the resulting machine learning models has become an increasingly important topic. The security community has demonstrated that without transparency of the data and the resulting model, there exist many potential security risks, with new risks constantly being discovered. In this paper, we focus on one of these security risks -- poisoning attacks. Specifically, we analyze how attackers may interfere with the results of regression learning by poisoning the training datasets. To this end, we analyze and develop a new poisoning attack algorithm. Our attack, termed Nopt, in contrast with previous poisoning attack algorithms, can produce larger errors with the same proportion of poisoning data-points. Furthermore, we also significantly improve the state-of-the-art defense algorithm, termed TRIM, proposed by Jagielsk et al. (IEEE S&P 2018), by incorporating the concept of probability estimation of clean data-points into the algorithm. Our new defense algorithm, termed Proda, demonstrates an increased effectiveness in reducing errors arising from the poisoning dataset through optimizing ensemble models. We highlight that the time complexity of TRIM had not been estimated; however, we deduce from their work that TRIM can take exponential time complexity in the worst-case scenario, in excess of Prodas logarithmic time. The performance of both our proposed attack and defense algorithms is extensively evaluated on four real-world datasets of housing prices, loans, health care, and bike sharing services. We hope that our work will inspire future research to develop more robust learning algorithms immune to poisoning attacks.

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The evolution of mobile malware poses a serious threat to smartphone security. Today, sophisticated attackers can adapt by maximally sabotaging machine-learning classifiers via polluting training data, rendering most recent machine learning-based malware detection tools (such as Drebin, DroidAPIMiner, and MaMaDroid) ineffective. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of constructing crafted malware samples; examine how machine-learning classifiers can be misled under three different threat models; then conclude that injecting carefully crafted data into training data can significantly reduce detection accuracy. To tackle the problem, we propose KuafuDet, a two-phase learning enhancing approach that learns mobile malware by adversarial detection. KuafuDet includes an offline training phase that selects and extracts features from the training set, and an online detection phase that utilizes the classifier trained by the first phase. To further address the adversarial environment, these two phases are intertwined through a self-adaptive learning scheme, wherein an automated camouflage detector is introduced to filter the suspicious false negatives and feed them back into the training phase. We finally show that KuafuDet can significantly reduce false negatives and boost the detection accuracy by at least 15%. Experiments on more than 250,000 mobile applications demonstrate that KuafuDet is scalable and can be highly effective as a standalone system.
96 - Deqiang Li , Qianmu Li 2020
Malware remains a big threat to cyber security, calling for machine learning based malware detection. While promising, such detectors are known to be vulnerable to evasion attacks. Ensemble learning typically facilitates countermeasures, while attackers can leverage this technique to improve attack effectiveness as well. This motivates us to investigate which kind of robustness the ensemble defense or effectiveness the ensemble attack can achieve, particularly when they combat with each other. We thus propose a new attack approach, named mixture of attacks, by rendering attackers capable of multiple generative methods and multiple manipulation sets, to perturb a malware example without ruining its malicious functionality. This naturally leads to a new instantiation of adversarial training, which is further geared to enhancing the ensemble of deep neural networks. We evaluate defenses using Android malware detectors against 26 different attacks upon two practical datasets. Experimental results show that the new adversarial training significantly enhances the robustness of deep neural networks against a wide range of attacks, ensemble methods promote the robustness when base classifiers are robust enough, and yet ensemble attacks can evade the enhanced malware detectors effectively, even notably downgrading the VirusTotal service.
75 - Gan Sun , Yang Cong 2020
Federated machine learning which enables resource constrained node devices (e.g., mobile phones and IoT devices) to learn a shared model while keeping the training data local, can provide privacy, security and economic benefits by designing an effective communication protocol. However, the communication protocol amongst different nodes could be exploited by attackers to launch data poisoning attacks, which has been demonstrated as a big threat to most machine learning models. In this paper, we attempt to explore the vulnerability of federated machine learning. More specifically, we focus on attacking a federated multi-task learning framework, which is a federated learning framework via adopting a general multi-task learning framework to handle statistical challenges. We formulate the problem of computing optimal poisoning attacks on federated multi-task learning as a bilevel program that is adaptive to arbitrary choice of target nodes and source attacking nodes. Then we propose a novel systems-aware optimization method, ATTack on Federated Learning (AT2FL), which is efficiency to derive the implicit gradients for poisoned data, and further compute optimal attack strategies in the federated machine learning. Our work is an earlier study that considers issues of data poisoning attack for federated learning. To the end, experimental results on real-world datasets show that federated multi-task learning model is very sensitive to poisoning attacks, when the attackers either directly poison the target nodes or indirectly poison the related nodes by exploiting the communication protocol.
As machine learning systems grow in scale, so do their training data requirements, forcing practitioners to automate and outsource the curation of training data in order to achieve state-of-the-art performance. The absence of trustworthy human supervision over the data collection process exposes organizations to security vulnerabilities; training data can be manipulated to control and degrade the downstream behaviors of learned models. The goal of this work is to systematically categorize and discuss a wide range of dataset vulnerabilities and exploits, approaches for defending against these threats, and an array of open problems in this space. In addition to describing various poisoning and backdoor threat models and the relationships among them, we develop their unified taxonomy.
100 - Saurav Maji , Utsav Banerjee , 2021
With the recent advancements in machine learning theory, many commercial embedded micro-processors use neural network models for a variety of signal processing applications. However, their associated side-channel security vulnerabilities pose a major concern. There have been several proof-of-concept attacks demonstrating the extraction of their model parameters and input data. But, many of these attacks involve specific assumptions, have limited applicability, or pose huge overheads to the attacker. In this work, we study the side-channel vulnerabilities of embedded neural network implementations by recovering their parameters using timing-based information leakage and simple power analysis side-channel attacks. We demonstrate our attacks on popular micro-controller platforms over networks of different precisions such as floating point, fixed point, binary networks. We are able to successfully recover not only the model parameters but also the inputs for the above networks. Countermeasures against timing-based attacks are implemented and their overheads are analyzed.

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