Plasmonic Dirac Cone in Twisted Bilayer Graphene

Abstract in English

We discuss plasmons of biased twisted bilayer graphene when the Fermi level lies inside the gap. The collective excitations are a network of chiral edge plasmons (CEP) entirely composed of excitations in the topological electronic edge states (EES) that appear at the AB-BA interfaces. The CEP form an hexagonal network with an unique energy scale $epsilon_p=frac{e^2}{epsilon_0epsilon t_0}$ with $t_0$ the moire lattice constant and $epsilon$ the dielectric constant. From the dielectric matrix we obtain the plasmon spectra that has two main characteristics: (i) a diverging density of states at zero energy, and (ii) the presence of a plasmonic Dirac cone at $hbaromegasimepsilon_p/2$ with sound velocity $v_D=0.0075c$, which is formed by zigzag and armchair current oscillations. A network model reveals that the antisymmetry of the plasmon bands implies that CEP scatter at the hexagon vertices maximally in the deflected chiral outgoing directions, with a current ratio of 4/9 into each of the deflected directions and 1/9 into the forward one. We show that scanning near-field microscopy should be able to observe the predicted plasmonic Dirac cone and its broken symmetry phases.
