Shadow cast by a rotating charged black hole in quintessential dark energy

Abstract in English

The existence of quintessential dark energy around a black hole has considerable consequences on its spacetime geometry. Hence, in this article, we explore its effect on horizons and the silhouette generated by a Kerr-Newman black hole in quintessential dark energy. Moreover, to analyze the deflection angle of light, we utilize the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. The obtained result demonstrates that, due to the dragging effect, the black hole spin elongates its shadow in the direction of the rotational axis, while increases the deflection angle. On the other hand, the black hole charge diminishing its shadow, as well as the angle of lights deflection. Besides, both spin and charge significantly increase the distortion effect in the black holes shadow. The quintessence parameter gamma, increases the shadow radius, while decreases the distortion effect at higher values of charge and spin parameters.
