New Vietnamese Corpus for Machine Reading Comprehension of Health News Articles

Abstract in English

Large-scale and high-quality corpora are necessary for evaluating machine reading comprehension models on a low-resource language like Vietnamese. Besides, machine reading comprehension (MRC) for the health domain offers great potential for practical applications; however, there is still very little MRC research in this domain. This paper presents ViNewsQA as a new corpus for the Vietnamese language to evaluate healthcare reading comprehension models. The corpus comprises 22,057 human-generated question-answer pairs. Crowd-workers create the questions and their answers based on a collection of over 4,416 online Vietnamese healthcare news articles, where the answers comprise spans extracted from the corresponding articles. In particular, we develop a process of creating a corpus for the Vietnamese machine reading comprehension. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that our corpus requires abilities beyond simple reasoning, such as word matching and demanding difficult reasoning based on single-or-multiple-sentence information. We conduct experiments using different types of machine reading comprehension methods to achieve the first baseline performances, compared with further models performances. We also measure human performance on the corpus and compared it with several powerful neural network-based and transfer learning-based models. Our experiments show that the best machine model is ALBERT, which achieves an exact match score of 65.26% and an F1-score of 84.89% on our corpus. The significant differences between humans and the best-performance model (14.53% of EM and 10.90% of F1-score) on the test set of our corpus indicate that improvements in ViNewsQA could be explored in the future study. Our corpus is publicly available on our website for the research purpose to encourage the research community to make these improvements.
