Modular Images Of Approximately Central Projections

Abstract in English

It is shown that for any approximately central (AC) projection $e$ in the Flip orbifold $A_theta^Phi$ (of the irrational rotation C*-algebra $A_theta$), and any modular automorphism $alpha$ (arising from SL$(2,mathbb Z)$), the AC projection $alpha(e)$ is centrally Murray-von Neumann equivalent to one of the projections $e, sigma(e), kappa(e), kappa^2(e),$ $sigmakappa(e), sigmakappa^2(e)$ in the $S_3$-orbit of $e,$ where $sigma, kappa$ are the Fourier and Cubic transforms of $A_theta$. (The equivalence being implemented by an approximately central partial isometry in $A_theta^Phi$.) For smooth automorphisms $alpha,beta$ of the Flip orbifold $A_theta^Phi$, it is also shown that if $alpha_*=beta_*$ on $K_0(A_theta^Phi),$ then $alpha(e)$ and $beta(e)$ are centrally equivalent for each AC projection $e$.
