Real-time estimation of the optically detected magnetic resonance shift in diamond quantum thermometry

Abstract in English

We investigate the real-time estimation protocols for the frequency shift of optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds (NDs). Efficiently integrating multipoint ODMR measurements and ND particle tracking into fluorescence microscopy has recently demonstrated stable monitoring of the temperature inside living animals. We analyze the multipoint ODMR measurement techniques (3-, 4-, and 6-point methods) in detail and quantify the amount of measurement artifact owing to several systematic errors derived from instrumental errors of experimental hardware and ODMR spectral shape. We propose a practical approach to minimize the effect of these factors, which allows for measuring accurate temperatures of single NDs during dynamic thermal events. We also discuss integration of noise filters, data estimation protocols, and possible artifacts for further developments in real-time temperature estimation. The present study provides technical details of quantum diamond thermometry and discusses factors that may affect the temperature estimation in biological applications.
